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It was a convenient stopping-place, and the stock did well on the young cane. Every week I would drive to some distant town eighteen or twenty head, or as many as I could handle alone. Sometimes I would sell out in a few days, and then again it would take me longer. But when possible I always made it a rule to get back to my headquarters to spend Sunday.

"We call this a station," went on Dunlap, "because it's a stopping-place on the U. G. Railway." "What's the U. G. Railway?" I asked. "Don't you know that?" he queried. "I'm only a canal hand," I answered, "going to a farm out on the prairie, that I was euchred into taking in settling with a scoundrel for my share of my father's property; and I'm pretty green."

But I've got to let out what is in my heart, doctor, and it is this, that there is no stopping-place for any one that begins to walk the straight and narrow way; he has got to keep on as long as he lives, and if he don't he is going to be crowded off to one side." "You are quite right, deacon," said the minister; "and therefore I object to putting any stumbling-blocks in any such person's way."

She boarded one of these and went inside. Pulling his hat farther over his face in the erroneous belief that he would be the less noticeable, he ascended to the top, to crane his head over the side at every stopping-place lest Henrietta should get off; but there was no sign of her until they reached that strange place in the middle of the city where the harbour ran into the streets and the funnels and masts of ships mingled with the roofs of houses.

I should say the first method was the better for ordinary journeys; and the latter for those times when, to reach good feed, a forced march becomes necessary. On reaching the night's stopping-place, the cook for the day unpacks the cook-horse and at once sets about the preparation of dinner. The other two attend to the animals.

If theories of derivation could only stop here, content with explaining the diversification and succession of species between the teritiary period and the present time, through natural agencies or secondary causes still in operation, we fancy they would not be generally or violently objected to by the savants of the present day. But it is hard, if not impossible, to find a stopping-place.

Haxton's ceaseless scrutiny enabled him now to conceal the lightning flash of inspiration that fired his intelligence. An old caravan road from the sea, a road that led to the Nile, with its fourth stopping-place made notable by seven tiny cones of an extinct volcano surely that had the ring of actuality about it!

It was just five o'clock when they reached her stopping-place. Ellen knew of no particular house to go to, so Mrs. Dunscombe set her down at the door of the principal inn of the town, called the "Star," of Thirlwall.

We cannot imagine where the stopping-place could be. Perhaps there is none. To take up the nautical figure which has furnished our title, we are in the midst of an infinite sea, sailing on to a destination we know not of, but of which the vague and splendid fancies we have formed hang before our prow like illusions in the sky.

It would have been a difficult task for the traveller or his postilion to persuade the horses, that these dreams were all for their good. The next stopping-place was the little tavern of the Star, an out-of-the-way corner in the town of Salzig.