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Part of the artillery was on the plain, near the Lewis House, with a section near the river; on the hillside, beyond the seven guns, two regiments were concealed within the forest, and in rear of the battery was a third. The position was strong, and the men who held it were of different calibre from Blenker's Germans, and the leaders of stauncher stuff than Fremont.

His anti-militarist beliefs were sunk soon after the beginning of the War, and there is almost a complete story itself in the tale of their sinking, weighted first by a girl, who looked ahead no further than the pleasure of walking out with a khaki uniform, and finally plunged into the deeps of the Army by the gibe of a stauncher anti-militarist during a heated argument that, 'if he believed now in fighting, why didn't he go'n fight himself? But even after his enlistment he remained true to his beliefs in voluntary service, and the account of his conversion to the principles of Conscription no half-and-half measures of 'military training' or rifle clubs or hybrid arrangements of that sort, but out-and-out Conscription may be more interesting, as it certainly is more typical, of the conversion of more thousands of members of the Serving Forces than will ever be known until those same thousands return to their civilian lives and the holding of their civilian votes.

This was your chance to show that you were worthy of him. While he was alive, you played a winning game; it was easy to be true to him. But he he was stauncher; he was most to be trusted when the game seemed all but lost.

Next day the detachment of the 44th which had guarded an exposed position had to be withdrawn, ceding the post of honour to the stauncher sepoys. The camp followers were living on carrion; the commissaries reported but four days' provisions in store, and their inability to procure any more supplies.

John Cavendish frowned and changed the subject. "Come for a stroll, Hastings. This has been a most rotten business. She always had a rough tongue, but there is no stauncher friend in England than Evelyn Howard." He took the path through the plantation, and we walked down to the village through the woods which bordered one side of the estate.

The underwriter, who had been trying to minimize the amount of impending loss, regrets his premature pessimism. The ship has been stauncher, the skies more merciful, the seas less angry, or perhaps the men on board of a finer temper than he has been willing to take for granted.

"There's something about this affair that must be investigated," declared the garage man, in an undertone. "The cars that I keep are all of one make, and there are no stauncher, safer cars made in the world. No such accident has ever before happened to one of my cars. Come; let's see what we can find out." Graves didn't have to look far. He halted at the broken axle, staring at it hard.

Such a one was instantly removed from his office, and a stauncher patriot substituted.

She was, perhaps, a little stauncher than her husband in Protestantism; and though she was willing to admit that Mr Barham might not have ceased to be a gentleman when he became a Roman Catholic priest, she was not quite sure that it was expedient for her or her husband to have much to do with him. Mr Carbury had not taken them unawares.

Vane broke off, remembering that he had defeated Horsfield; but Jessy laughed encouragingly. "He did so you were opposed to him; but it doesn't follow that I share all his views. Perhaps I ought to be a stauncher partizan." "If you'll be just to both of us, I'll be satisfied."