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In his last interview with Stürmer, the Austrian Commissioner at St. Napoleon also once remarked to Gourgaud that it was better to be at St. Helena than as he was at Elba. Of the same general tenour are his striking remarks, reported by Las Cases at the close of his first volume: "Our situation here may even have its attractions. The universe is looking at us.

"Is Ribstons a petty complaint my chycest Ribstons, as I want for dessert at Christmas? And is my Sturmer pippins a petty complaint them as ought to succeed the Ribstons in Febbery and March?" "Why, what about them?" cried the doctor. "Oh, nothing, sir; only as half the town's t'other side o' the river, and my pippins is being shovelled over wholesale."

Escorted by two agents of police, I was taken out into the dazzling light of day back to Petrograd, and to the Ministry of the Interior, where in a private room one that was in a wing of the great building familiar to me I was left alone. I had only been there for a few minutes, looking out of the window in wonder, when the door opened, and before me stood the goat-bearded man Boris Stürmer.

"Gregory," he said, standing by the window, attired in the rather faded navy serge suit he sometimes wore when busy in his private cabinet, "I have been told to-day that the Holy Synod are once again agitating against you. From what Stürmer has said an hour ago it appears that the Church has become jealous of your friendship with my wife and myself. I really cannot understand this.

Stürmer, the Prime Minister, was with the Emperor, daily plotting and striving for the betrayal of our nation to the Germans, and "Satan in a silk hat" as one of the Grand Dukes had nicknamed the Minister of the Interior, Protopopoff had gone on a mission to London, ostensibly in Russian interests, but really as a spy of Germany.

The man's name was Evno Azef, upon whom unfortunately the French Government bestowed the Legion of Honour. Before he went to Paris, Azef was a close friend of Rasputin and of Stürmer. He was a criminal of the worst type, an expert in crime, though he was a recognised agent of the Russian Political Police.

"Please do me the favour to assure His Majesty the Emperor of my continued efforts in the service of Alexandra Feodorovna, even though matters are daily growing more complicated. "Both Stürmer and Protopopoff are under my protection, and I have already contrived to advance them. Kokovtsov is growing in favour and will be a force to be reckoned with in the immediate future.

Of the truth of this I can myself vouch, for Alexandra Feodorovna had, since her holy Father had received the secret dispatch, spared no effort to induce the Emperor and the Cabinet to accept the olive branch. Nicholas refused. Whatever may be said of him, I know personally that on many occasions he proved his loyalty to the Allies against the evil counsels of Stürmer and the others.

It was then learned that a great part of the time the Emperor was either drunk or doped, that the Empress was hysterical and on the verge of a mental breakdown, and that they were assisted by senile Sturmer, mentally unbalanced Protopopov, and profligate Rasputin, none of whom could read a compass nor lay out a course and steered the ship as they willed.

Stürmer called me aside to whisper, and as he did so I saw that the Starets had at once become surrounded by women, of whom he always became the centre of attraction, with hands crossed so humbly over his breast.