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It is believed that in the reign of Alfonso VI., he who conquered Toledo and the region to the south of Valladolid and as far east as Aragon, Sigüenza was repopulated, though no mention is made of the place in the earlier chronicles of the time.

Fray Estevan Carrillo, definitor. Fray Bernabe de Villalovos, definitor of Guadalupe. Fray Miguel Garcia, visitor. Fray Miguel de Siguenza, sometime visitor. Fray Mathedo Daças, prior. Fray Jhoan de Pineda, prior, and lecturer in theology. Fray Diego Pardo, procurator-general. Fray Jheronimo de Salas, prior. Fray Jhoan de Rojas, sub-prior of Manila.

I stood by and let the victim pass, but as he passed I spoke to him in Spanish, saying: 'Remember that which it may well be you have forgotten, holy father, remember now the dying prayer of Isabella de Siguenza whom many years ago you did to death in Seville. The man heard me; he turned livid beneath his bronzed skin and staggered until I thought that he would have fallen.

This then was the end of Isabella de Siguenza who was murdered by priests because she had dared to break their rule. So soon as I could clear my mind somewhat of all that I had seen and heard in that dreadful vault, I began to consider the circumstances in which I found myself.

When the Christian religion first appeared in Spain, it is believed that Sigüenza, or Segoncia, possessed an episcopal see; nothing is positively known, however, of the early bishops, until Protogenes signed the third Council of Toledo in 589.

Had those words never passed Isabella's lips, doubtless in time I should have wearied of a useless search and sailed for home and happiness. But having heard them it seemed to me, to my undoing, that this would be to play the part of a sorry coward. Moreover, strange as it may look, now I felt as though I had two wrongs to avenge, that of my mother and that of Isabella de Siguenza.

"My fates call out," he cried, and forthwith applied himself to hasten the preparations for his departure. The romantic picture of his philosophical retirement at Juste, painted originally by Sandoval and Siguenza, reproduced by the fascinating pencil of Strada, and imitated in frequent succession by authors of every age and country, is unfortunately but a sketch of fancy.

Who was I that I should complain? Did not hundreds of men as good as I was perish daily in yonder square, and without a murmur? Had not my mother died also at the hand of a murderer? Was not that unhappy lady, Isabella de Siguenza, walled up alive because she had been mad enough to love a villain who betrayed her?

All that is known is that a bishop was immediately appointed by Alfonso VII. to the vacancy which had lasted for over two hundred years, during which Sigüenza had been one of the provincial capitals of the Kingdom of Toledo. The first known bishop was Don Bernardo. The history of the town was never of the most brilliant.

In that year Carlos de Sigüenza y Gongora published in the City of Mexico a kind of irregular newspaper bearing the title El Mercurio Volante, in which appears a concise and tolerably reliable sketch of the insurrection and the various attempts to reconquer the territory, including the successful one in 1692 by Diego de Vargas. Sigüenza is brief, but reasonably accurate.