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I have developed an immense respect for Captain West, though now I know him less than the little I thought I knew him before. Small wonder that Miss West remains sea-sick on an ocean like this, which has become a factory where the veering gales manufacture the selectest and most mountainous brands of cross-seas.

Baines, it should be stated, had on Friday afternoon sent to Miss Chetwynd one of her most luxurious notes lavender- coloured paper with scalloped edges, the selectest mode of the day to announce, in her Italian hand, that Constance and Sophia would both leave school at the end of the next term, and giving reasons in regard to Sophia.

"Oh, Simon, ain't that pink one a beauty! Ain't that skirt the swellest thing you ever seen!" "That's the Piquette model, girlie. You and all New York will be buyin' it in another month. Ain't it the selectest little thing ever?" Her face was rapt. "It's the swellest thing I've ever seen!" she declared. He turned to another plate. "Oh-h-h-h-h!" she cried. "Ain't that a beauty!

The joys of heaven will be so far analogous to the Christian joys of earth that the same name may be applied to both; but they will be so unlike that the old name will need a new meaning, and communion with Christ at His table in His kingdom, and our exuberance of joy in the full drinking in of His immortal life, will transcend the selectest hours of communion here.

But equally, if not more, important is it for us to remember that the purest communion with God, and the selectest emotional experiences of the Christian life, are meant to be the bases of active service; and that, if such service does not follow these, there is good reason for supposing that these are spurious, and worth very little. The service of man is the outcome of the love of God.

She never got it from me, that's sure. And sending her to that silly college hasn't helped the matter any just the other way." "Now hear her, Hawkins! Rowena-Ivanhoe College is the selectest and most aristocratic seat of learning for young ladies in our country.

"But I feel that that man deserves to be in State's prison much more than many a poor dog that is there now." "And that may be true of many another, even in the selectest circles of good society," said Grace; "but we are not called on to play Providence, nor pronounce judgments. The common courtesies of life do not commit us one way or the other.

The man who has the freedom of a great library lengthens his own life without the weariness of living; he may include all past generations in his experience without risk of senility; not yet fifty, he may have made himself the contemporary of "the world's gray fathers"; and with no advantages of birth or person, he may have been admitted to the selectest society of all times and lands.

"Land!" he said, "it's a stunning catch! He's got a gambling-hall, and a graveyard, and a bishop, and a cathedral all his very own. And all gilt-edged five-hundred-per-cent. stock, every detail of it; the tidiest little property in Europe; and that graveyard it's the selectest in the world: none but suicides admitted; YES, sir, and the free-list suspended, too, ALL the time.

What years and years of the selectest experiences are needed to teach the average divinity student to know himself, to track out and run to earth his own heart, and thus to lay open and read other men's hearts to their self-deceived owners in the light of his own. A matter, moreover, that he gets not one word of help toward in all his college curriculum.