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Rumbald, not ten minutes ago, slip back into the house from the outhouses where he had pretended to go upon some preparation or other for the reception of the assassins this evening; but he had not known that I saw him. "He is very busy at present," said I. "Cannot I do your business for you?" "Why, sir," he said, "I think not." He seemed, I thought, in a very pitiable state.

Rumbald very witty, though God knows why: I suppose it was the ale in him: for he laughed aloud and beat on his leg. "I'll be bound you would," he said. Rumbald as a dare-devil kind of fellow that would do anything for money.

All I know is that I broke into a run, and the horse into a trot after me; and as I reached the gate heard Rumbald run out of the house behind me. I paid him no attention at all, though I heard his breathing at my shoulder. I was listening for the tramp and rattle of the hoofs again, for the sound had died away in a hollow of the road I suppose.

Rumbald I met about four times, and my Lord Howard but once. I think all this time they were wholly satisfied that I passed on to Mr. Chiffinch what they told me, and nothing else; for he and I usually contrived to carry out part at least of their recommendations. I first began to learn something of my Lord Russell's position in the matter in a meeting in July, in the house of the Mr.

He would surely be ruthless if he found I had served my turn; and here was I, riding to his house, and only two men in the world knew whither I was gone. Rumbald had already dined; and thought not at all of me.

Chiffinch severely, "and you will be nearer even than that, if you do not speak the whole truth." "Sir; it is not that I mean," cried the man, in a very panic of terror. "Rumbald hath been " "Eh? What is that?" said Mr. Chiffinch. "Rumbald, sir, the old Colonel, of the Rye " "God, man! We know all about Rumbald," said the page contemptuously. "What hath he been at now?"

Then the distant hoofs grew muffled once more, though not altogether; and, at that, Rumbald ran out into the road as he was, bareheaded; and I saw that he carried a cleaver in his hand, caught up, I suppose, at random; for it was of no use to him. Then, loud and clear not a hundred yards away I heard the rattle and roar of a coach coming down the hill and the tramp of the hoofs.

In the latter case Rumbald would be certified that I had done as he thought I would; and would, no doubt, let me go peacefully, to use me again later in the same manner, if occasion rose. For myself, then, I intended after nightfall at the latest to ride back to London and report all that had passed; and, if the King had not come, to lay all in Mr. Chiffinch's hands for his further protection.

I will answer point by point if Your Majesty will give me leave." He said nothing. I turned back to the other. "Well, sir," I said, "I had that paper from one Rumbald, in a private parlour in the Mitre inn, without Aldgate. He gave it me with some others, and forgot to ask for it again." No one moved a finger or a feature, except the Colonel, who glanced at me, and then down again.

Rumbald had been on our previous meeting, I saw in general, at least, what they had been after. But what he meant of the Sixth Commandment which is that of killing, according to the Protestant arrangement of it, I understood nothing. "And of who shall govern England hereafter," I said in a low voice, but very deliberate.