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Updated: August 27, 2024

Monkeys swung above in the ropelike tendrils of the rubber-vines, and spotted deer gamboled beneath the shade of mango trees. The brilliant audience listened with bated breath to the dramatic recital of their nation's story.

The half-breed's cap was gone. He was swaying, clutching at the partly opened door to support himself. His face was disfigured with blood, the front of his coat was spattered with frozen clots of it. His long hair had fallen in ropelike strands over his eyes and frozen there. His lips were terrible. "Good God!" gasped Philip.

When flying, the flamingo seems to keep his head moving steadily forward at an even pace, although the ropelike neck undulates with the slow beating of the wings. I could not be sure that it was not an optical delusion. Nevertheless, I thought the heavy body was propelled irregularly, while the head moved forward at uniform speed, the difference being caught up in the undulations of the neck.

But they entered the drawing-room first and stood a long while before the fireplace, gazing at the picture's massive frame and its challenging wooden back. A heavy, ropelike cord with large silk tassels attached the picture to its hook, and the cord was twisted, as if some one had turned the picture about without stopping to readjust it. "How strange!" murmured Cynthia.

Faintly against the dense gray of the shadowy floor. he could see thick ropelike forms twisting sinuously to and fro, as if exploring their new quarters or seeking exit. More than once. as these chanced to cross one another's path, that same long-drawn hiss quavered out into the dark silences. And now Brice's nostrils were assailed by a sickening smell as of crushed cucumbers.

The trees stretched upward full one hundred and fifty feet, their tops spread out in a leafy roof. Long ropelike vines festooned the upper branches and a luxuriant growth of parasitic vegetation clothed the giant trunks in a swaying mass of living green. Far above the taller trees a gaunt gray monarch of the forest towered in splendid isolation.

These ropelike coils of the creepers made capital swings, and often Dot clambered into one of the big loops and sat swinging herself to and fro, laughing and singing, much to the delight and amusement of the Kangaroo. Swing! swing! a bird on the wing Is not more happy than I! Stooping to earth, and seeking the sky. Swing! swing! swing! See how high upward I fly!

Flamingos on Lake Parinacochas, and Mt. Sarasara The flamingo is an amusing bird to watch. With its haughty Roman nose and long, ropelike neck, which it coils and twists in a most incredible manner, it seems specially intended to distract one's mind from bathymetric disappointments.

Interwoven with dead limbs and living branches were the tough and ropelike creepers which formed a tangled network across their path. South of them in an open meadowland a number of black warriors were gathered about an object which elicited much wondering comment. The blacks were clothed in fragments of what had once been uniforms of a native German command.

Immense must be the length of some of these climbing palms. One tree I noticed that day that had hanging from its summit, a good one hundred and fifty feet above us, a long straight ropelike palm stem. The character of the whole forest was very interesting.

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