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It was born on the very day that I realized with indisputable certainty that the lovely Leah was not in reality in love with Rochez.

She knew that after Rochez had attained his heart's desire and carried off the lady of his choice which he had successfully done half an hour before I myself made my way up the Passage Corneille I would pass out of her life for ever. This she could not endure. Life at once would become intolerable.

I had caught a look now and again an undefinable glance, which told me the whole pitiable tale. She did not love Rochez; and in the drama which we were preparing to enact the curtain would fall on his rapture and her unhappiness. Ah, Sir! imagine what my feelings were when I realized this!

She was as light as a feather, and I was as strong as a giant. Think of it, Sir! There was I, alone in the darkness, holding in my arms, together with a lovely form, a fortune of two hundred thousand francs! Of that fool Fernand Rochez I did not trouble to think.

The driver cracked his whip, and whilst I, happy but exhausted, was mopping my streaming forehead the chaise rattled gaily along the uneven pavements of the great city in the direction of Suresnes. What that fool Rochez was doing I could not definitely ascertain. I looked through the vasistas of the coach, but could see nothing in pursuit of us.

Glances, you understand, from eyes as expressive as those of the exquisite Jewess speak more eloquently than words." He had forbidden me to speak, so I could only express concurrence in the sentiments which he expressed by a slight elevation of my left eyebrow. "I am determined to win the affections of Mlle. Goldberg," M. Rochez went on glibly, "and equally am I determined to make her my wife."

New Caledonia, the police, the odium attached to so foul a deed; and do you know for what? For a paltry thousand francs, which with much difficulty I had induced Rochez nay, forced him! to hand over to me in anticipation of what I was about to accomplish for his sake. A thousand francs! Did this miserliness not characterize the man?

It was I who, under cover of darkness and guided by that old jade Sarah, was to sneak into that garden on the appointed night and forcibly seize the unsuspecting maiden and carry her to the carriage which Rochez would have in readiness for her. You see what a coward he was!

Within my mind I envisaged the possibility of touching M. Rochez for a further two hundred francs if and when opportunity arose. The formal introduction took place on the boulevards one fine afternoon shortly after that. Mlle. Leah was walking under the trees with her duenna when we M. Rochez and I came face to face with them. My friend raised his hat, and I did likewise.

With the thousand francs which Rochez had given me for my services I had engaged the chaise and horses, paid the coachman lavishly, and secured a cosy little apartment for my future wife in a pleasant hostelry I knew of at Suresnes. I had taken the precaution to leave the wicket-gate on the latch.