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Every family should be provided with a coffee roaster, which is an iron cylinder to stand before the fire, and is either turned by a handle, or wound up like a jack to go of itself. If roasted in an open pot or pan, much of the flavour evaporates in the process.

At last, somewhat in the spirit of Charles Lamb's Chinaman who invented roast pig, and discovered that the sole method of roasting it was to burn down a house in order to consume the adjacent pig-sty, and thus cook the roaster in the flames, we hit upon an artifice by which we could dispense with Giovanna, and keep an easy conscience.

Then all at once old Caroline's accusation against Cissie flashed on Peter's mind. She had stolen that dinner in the turkey roaster, after all. It so startled him that he sat up straight. Cissie also sat up. She stopped crying, and sat looking into the fire. "You mean morals?" said Peter in a low tone. Cissie barely nodded, her wet eyes fixed on the fire. "I see. I was stupid."

Sew them up with fine thread and lay upon thin slices of pork, covering the grating of the roaster. Lay other slices of pork over them, pour over all a cupful of stock, and roast one hour. Remove the pork, then wash with butter and dredge with flour and brown. "Drain off the gravy, lay the bits of bacon about the rabbit in the dish: thicken the gravy with browned flour.

Captain Cook dined with me to-day on a Black Rock dinner, viz. a fine piece of salmon and a nice little cochon-de-lait, with entremêts, removes, &c. The salmon was sent me with a basket of vegetables from Plymouth, I suspect from Captain Markham; the roaster was a present from Captain Hood, who, being under sail, could not dine with me. I mention these trifles because I know they please you.

To a beginner in the South Shore district, the numerous successes and failures around him cannot help but be of great benefit. The South Shore roaster district of Massachusetts is the best example of specialized community production of poultry flesh that we have in the United States. It is only rivaled by the districts in the south of England and in France.

Such a supper or breakfast it will be! I can smell it now, for I know Thoreau his fish, his birds, the tenderest steaks in the forests! I can hear Thoreau cursing because the train hasn't come, and I'll wager he's got fish and caribou tenderloin and partridges just ready for a final turn in the roaster. What do you say? Will you get off with me?" "It is a tempting offer to a hungry man, Father."

And it failed. So I got the chestnut roaster. I got a license." "It seems to me I've seen you before, Mottka." "Yes, yes. A policeman bring me here before when I was on Wabash Avenue with my chestnuts." "What did he bring you in for?" "Oh, because he thinks I am a crook, because I don't have enough chestnuts to sell. He says I am a lookout for crooks and he brings me in."

If they are sold as broilers it is a broiler plant; if as roasters, it is a roaster plant; if as stock, it is a fancy or breeding stock business, but if kept for laying the proposition is an egg farm, and all other products are by-products.

"Oh, are you an elephant doctor?" cried Uncle Wiggily. "No, I am a hot-peanut-man," said the voice, and then the peanut roaster began to whistle like a tea-kettle. "But, perhaps I can cure a sick elephant," said the peanut man.