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Then, as Dennis joined him, he said, with a shade of vexation on his face, "It is a waste of time lamenting mistakes, but the overlooking of that pathway was a serious thing. The re-taking of the redan must be attempted at all hazards. It is the key, you see, to our position.

Wallenstein was now bent on re-taking it. p. 100, l. 29. The Cavalier's enthusiasm for Gustavus Adolphus leads to misrepresentation. The Swedish king has sometimes been blamed for failing to succour Magdeburg. p. 101, l. 23. Redoubts are the most strongly fortified points in the temporary fortification of a large space. p. 107, l. 13.

It was such that when, two days after the action, seven of the ships which had escaped into Cadiz came out in hopes of re-taking some of the disabled prizes, the prisoners in the ARGONAUTA, in a body, offered their services to the British prize-master, to man the guns against any of the French ships, saying, that if a Spanish ship came alongside, they would quietly go below; but they requested that they might be allowed to fight the French in resentment for the murderous usage which they had suffered at their hands.

"Walters!" I cried. "I'd forgotten all about him. I didn't see or hear anything of him." "Dessay not, sir. He'd get out of the way while the row was on. Maybe he'd got into a bunk to have a snooze and didn't hear it. But, I say, what a game!" "What, our re-taking the ship, Barney?" "No; you thinking I was Frenchy. Well, it's lucky you didn't heave me overboard."

Towards the end of February, the Staff became more than ever convinced that the enemy intended making a big spring offensive, and our training was devoted almost entirely to counter-attack practice and the re-taking a line of trenches which had been temporarily lost.

The design was entertained of descending on Holwan, and thence upon the lowland region, of re-taking Ctesiphon, crossing the great rivers, and destroying the rising cities of Kufa and Busrah. But the Arabs were upon the alert, and anticipated the intended invasion.

Broomfield now reported that he had lost connection with Hanscom. Silent wrote him: 'Push the enemy; that is the best way to make connection. "Desultory fighting continued until midnight, when the enemy gave up the task of re-taking their lost line and retreated. Thus ended the eighth day of marching and most desperate fighting ever known.

Such talks as I listened to that afternoon only yesterday at my gate, from such a fluent, amusing, clever French chap, a bicyclist in the ambulance corps, of the crossing the Meuse and the taking, losing, re-taking, and re-losing of Charleroi. Oddly enough these were the first real battle tales I had heard.

"But I heard firing and a struggle in the saloon," cried the captain, clinging to Mr Frewen's arm. "Well, yes, we have been re-taking the ship." "What?" "Humph! Poor fellow, he could not bear it," said Mr Frewen, as Captain Berriman sank back half-fainting, but he re-opened his eyes and clung to the doctor again. "Too good to be true," he muttered. "Thank God thank God!"

When once a great gregarious unit of this type shall have been thoroughly organized, and be subject to conscious direction as a whole, there will appear in the world a new kind of social mechanism and a new biological form. The interest in war will give way to a larger and more dramatic field of interest and of conquest than the mere taking and re-taking of land.