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Updated: August 6, 2024

But do you know what I did the last time I was on leave and had a few rounds over my home course ?" But the return of the General prevented my knowing the golf exploit he was going to tell me. The colonel called me for further instructions. "The rd Brigade are taking over our guns to-morrow morning at 6.30," he said. I'll keep young Bushman with me, and my groom with our horses.

"Sorry to trouble you," I said, "but I'm trying to find the rd Brigade. Do you know if they are round here?" "I don't, I'm afraid. We only came in this afternoon." "It's a house with a red roof," I went on, rather hopelessly. "I think I know the place," chimed in a voice from an inner room. "It's a shooting-box, isn't it?

'There is no attempt in these banks on the whole and as a rule to divide too muchon the contrary, they have accumulated about 13,000,000 L., or nearly 1/3 rd of their capital, principally out of undivided profits. The directors of some of them have been anxious to put away as much as possible and to divide as little as possible.

It was now 1.15 A.M. I came to a lonely house fronted by a neatly railed garden. I hammered noisily on the door and found that it opened into a darkened passage. A torch flashed into my face. "Is this the rd Brigade?" I began. "Yes," a voice shouted, and suddenly a door opened and a spurt of light revealed a youthful pink-cheeked staff lieutenant. "Are you from the nd Brigade?" he asked.

While the horses were being hooked in, I scribbled an order explaining the situation, and instructing all battery waggon lines to move towards Varesnes at once. I knew that in view of the 6.30 A.M. relief by the rd Brigade, horses would be sent up for the officers and men at the guns, and it was possible that the guns would now be brought back from the Caillouel ridge before that time.

"Every bridge over the canal was blown up by 6.30 this morning," he said; "but, do you know that D Battery's cook, who had got left behind last night, and seems to have wandered about a good deal, did not come over until nine o'clock this morning? No wonder we retired in comfort." The brigadier had told him more of what had happened to the rd, our companion Divisional Artillery Brigade.

Drysdale, doing liaison with the rd Infantry Brigade, reported that two battalions had had severe losses. A buff slip from the Casualty Clearing Station informed us that the lead driver of our brigade telephone cart had died in hospital overnight: he had been hit just after leaving the Headquarters position the previous evening, and was the second Headquarters driver to be killed since Sept. 1.

He told me he had remained with the Infantry brigadier until 6.30 A.M., the hour at which Colonel of the rd had formally to relieve him; and he had only just crossed the canal. The infantry were still falling back. "I've lost Laneridge and my two horses," he added, shaking his head. "Laneridge missed me in the fog when I sent for him, and I'm half afraid he went towards the Hun lines.

The Boche had stolen away before our guns loosed off their fury. I only saw three prisoners brought in, and some one tried to calculate the thousands of pounds worth of ammunition wasted on the "barrage." A message came that we were to hold ourselves in readiness to rejoin our own Divisional Artillery; our companion Field Artillery Brigade, the rd, would march also.

"You remember how he came back in time for the August advance and got hit immediately and wouldn't let them send him back to England you know we loaned him to the rd Brigade because they were short of officers. Well, he rolled up again about ten days ago, and got hit again in the Le Cateau attack.

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