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'Yes, says th' Englishman, 'I pro-pose f'r to thruly rayform this onhappy counthry, he says. 'This benighted haythen on me exthreme left has been injooced to cut out a good dale iv his wife's business, he says, 'an' go through life torminted be on'y wan spouse, he says. 'Th' r-rest will go to wurruk f'r me, he says.

Dooley, "this here wave iv rayform, Jawn, mind ye, that's sweepin' over th' counthry, mind ye, now, Jawn, is raisin' th' divvle, I see be th' pa-apers. I've seen waves iv rayform before, Jawn. Whin th' people iv this counthry gets wurruked up, there's no stoppin' thim. They'll not dhraw breath until ivry man that took a dollar iv a bribe is sent down th' r-road.

Th' wather inspictor, that used to take a dhrink an' a seegar an' report me two pipes less thin I have, turned me in las' week f'r a garden hose an' a ploonge bath. He's rayformed. Th' wave iv rayform has sthruck, an' we're all goin' around now with rubbers on.

'There are thirty-five precin'ts in this ward, says th' leader iv th' rayform ilimint. 'At this rate, I'm sure iv 440 meejority. Gossoon, he says, 'put a keg iv sherry wine on th' ice, he says. 'Well, he says, 'at last th' community is relieved fr'm misrule, he says. 'To-morrah I will start in arrangin' amindmints to th' tariff schedool an' th' ar-bitration threety, he says.

Willum J. O'Brien, he says, 'was born in th' County iv Mayo forty years ago, he says. 'He received a limited education, his parents even thin designin' him f'r th' Prisidincy. Bein' unable to complete a coorse at th' rayform school, he wint to wurruk; but soon, tired iv this, he started a saloon.

At prisint th' opinion that pre-vails in th' ranks iv th' gloryous ar-rmy iv rayform is that there ain't annything worth seein' in this lar-rge an' commodyous desert but th' pest-house an' the bridewell. Me frind Willum J. O'Brien is no rayformer.

On me right is th' gintleman who advanced th' wave iv rayform tin years ago be puttin' Mrs. Geohegan out on th' sthreet in a snowstorm whin she was roarin' with a cough. Mrs. Geohegan have rayformed, peace be with her undher th' dhrifts iv Calv'ry! I am greeted be th' smile iv me ol' frind Higgins. We are ol' frinds, Dinnis, now, ain't we?

An' Dochney wint to th' meetin'; an', whin his name was called, he hollered 'Aye, so loud a chunk iv plaster fell out iv th' ceilin' an' stove in th' head iv a rayform aldherman." "Did they hang him?" asked Mr. Hennessy. "Faith, they did not," said Mr. Dooley. "He begun missin' his jooty at wanst. Aldhermen always do that after th' first few weeks.

'D'ye think ye're votin' f'r th' best? says I. 'Why, man alive, I says, 'Charter Haitch was assassinated three years ago, I says. 'Was he? says Dugan. 'Ah, well, he's lived that down be this time. He was a good man, he says. "Ye see, that's what thim rayform lads wint up again.

Whin I woke up, me legs was as weak as a day old baby's, an' me poor head impty as a cobbler's purse. I want no more iv thim. Give me anny bug fr'm a cockroach to an aygle save an' excipt thim West iv Ireland Fenians, th' Mickrobes." "This here wave iv rayform," said Mr.