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It was to the full as lonely a place as Rainbarrow, though at rather a lower level; and it was more sheltered from wind and weather on account of the few firs to the north.

He came round it and leapt upon the bank beside her. A low laugh escaped her the third utterance which the girl had indulged in tonight. The first, when she stood upon Rainbarrow, had expressed anxiety; the second, on the ridge, had expressed impatience; the present was one of triumphant pleasure.

Yeobright's refusal implied that his honour was not considered to be of sufficiently good quality to make him a safer bearer of his wife's property. "How very warm it is tonight, Christian!" he said, panting, when they were nearly under Rainbarrow. "Let us sit down for a few minutes, for Heaven's sake."

I know why, certainly. He is beneath you, and you are ashamed." "You are mistaken. What do you mean?" The reddleman had decided to play the card of truth. "I was at the meeting by Rainbarrow last night and heard every word," he said. "The woman that stands between Wildeve and Thomasin is yourself." It was a disconcerting lift of the curtain, and the mortification of Candaules' wife glowed in her.

"Do you know the consequence of this recall to me, my old darling? I shall come to see you again as before, at Rainbarrow." "Of course you will." "And yet I declare that until I got here tonight I intended, after this one good-bye, never to meet you again." "I don't thank you for that," she said, turning away, while indignation spread through her like subterranean heat.

"No, Miss Eustacia," the child replied. "Well," she said at last, "I shall soon be going in, and then I will give you the crooked sixpence, and let you go home." "Thank'ee, Miss Eustacia," said the tired stoker, breathing more easily. And Eustacia again strolled away from the fire, but this time not towards Rainbarrow.

"Do you know the consequence of this recall to me, my old darling? I shall come to see you again as before, at Rainbarrow." "Of course you will." "And yet I declare that until I got here tonight I intended, after this one good-bye, never to meet you again." "I don't thank you for that," she said, turning away, while indignation spread through her like subterranean heat.

He looked absently towards Rainbarrow while one might have counted twenty, and said, as if he did not much mind all this, "Yes, I will go home. Do you mean to see me again?" "If you own to me that the wedding is broken off because you love me best." "I don't think it would be good policy," said Wildeve, smiling. "You would get to know the extent of your power too clearly." "But tell me!"

The next morning, at the time when the height of the sun appeared very insignificant from any part of the heath as compared with the altitude of Rainbarrow, and when all the little hills in the lower levels were like an archipelago in a fog-formed Aegean, the reddleman came from the brambled nook which he had adopted as his quarters and ascended the slopes of Mistover Knap.

He came round it and leapt upon the bank beside her. A low laugh escaped her the third utterance which the girl had indulged in tonight. The first, when she stood upon Rainbarrow, had expressed anxiety; the second, on the ridge, had expressed impatience; the present was one of triumphant pleasure.