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They were trained, however, after a good deal of trouble the old wheels, still in prime condition, serving as the "break;" and then the body of the wagon was let down from the tree, and once more renewed its acquaintance with its old companions the wheels; and the cap-tent spread its protecting shadow over all; and the white and yellow crescents were stowed; and the quaggas were "inspanned;" and Swartboy, mounting the "voor-kist," once more cracked his long bamboo whip; and the wheels, well oiled with elephants' grease, again whirled gaily along!

It abounded, however, he knew, in game, and he hoped that water, sufficient for the wants of the oxen and horses, would be found. Scarcely half an hour passed, that a herd of grotesque gnus, with the heads of bisons and horns of oxen, or of graceful quaggas, swift blesbocs, or light and elegant springbocs, did not pass in sight, in hundreds, or rather in thousands, across the plain.

In less than two weeks from that time, four of the quaggas were broken to the saddle, and perfectly obedient to the bit.

And now the question arose as to how the quaggas were to be captured. This was the first point to be settled; and the four Von Bloom himself, Hans, Hendrik, and Swartboy, sat deliberately down to concoct some plan of effecting this object. Of course they could do nothing just then, and the drove that had come to drink was allowed to depart peacefully.

They had planned a way by which the quaggas, at a certain moment, would be thrown into a complete panic, and thus forced pell-mell upon the pit. In this lay their hopes of securing a large number of the animals. Four was as many as were wanted. One for each of the hunters. Four would do; but of course it mattered not how many more got into the pit.

Hans, Hendrik, and Swartboy, placed themselves in ambush around the lake at intervals from one another; but the lower end, where the animals usually approached and went out, was left quite open. Von Bloom remained on the platform in the tree, so as to mark the approach of the quaggas, and give warning by a signal to the other three.

But the fifth mile was left behind, and then a sixth, and a seventh; and still the quaggas galloped wildly on the drove actuated by the fear of losing their liberty, and their old comrade by the desire of regaining his. Hendrik now felt real uneasiness. Where were they going? Where was the brute carrying him? Perhaps off to the desert, where he might be lost and perish of hunger or thirst!

I could see as I gazed over the plain, besides the negro army, numerous animals scampering across it, put to flight by their appearance herds of quaggas, zebras, buffaloes, and various sorts of deer, the lofty heads of a troop of giraffes appearing above them all.

If, however, the vegetable kingdom was deficient, the animal was proportionably abundant, and Alexander and the Major were soon at their speed after a troop of quaggas and zebras, which they succeeded in turning toward the Caffres.

As the fog dispersed, they perceived herds of quaggas in all directions, but at a great distance. They again yoked the oxen and proceeded on their journey; the country was now covered with herbage and flowers of every hue, and looked like a garden. "How strange that the ground should be covered with flowers where there is no rain or water to be found," observed Alexander.