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Updated: August 21, 2024

One cannot help remembering Coleridge with his incomplete "Christabel," and his "Abyssinian Maid," and her dulcimer which she never got a tune out of. We all know there was good reason why Coleridge should have been infirm of purpose.

I made such progress with this youth, especially in religion, that when I used to go to bed at different hours of the night, if he was in his bed, he would get up on purpose to go to prayer with me, without any other clothes than his shirt; and before he would eat any of his meals amongst the gentlemen in the cabin, he would first come to me to pray, as he called it.

Julius, again, has been variously represented as the saviour of the Papacy, and as the curse of Italy. He was emphatically both. In those days of national anarchy it was perhaps impossible for Julius to magnify the Church except at the expense of the nation, and to achieve the purpose of his life without inflicting the scourge of foreign war upon his countrymen.

"I see that Madame Weiss has disturbed your slumbers. Then you were able to sleep, daughter?" It was plain that she had had another purpose in coming there than to make that speech.

On the contrary, that night they formed a high resolve to stand or fall by their claims, to develop the resources of the locality, to build up a town, and to devote themselves to its growth and welfare. And to this purpose they bound themselves that night by a solemn and legal compact. Many circumstances lent themselves to so original a determination.

It was reproached to the Polytechnics that their original purpose, to bring the boys together for common discipline and orderly recreation, and to train them in their crafts, was departed from, and that all their energies were now devoted to turning working lads into classical scholars, mathematicians, logicians, and historians. Nor was the complaint wholly unfounded.

He desires to know what day will be propitious for the execution of such a purpose; also what is likely to be the success of such a negotiation, and whether his adversary will be moved to answer the confidence thus reposed in him, with gratitude and kindness, or may rather be likely to abuse the opportunity and advantage which such meeting may afford him."

It can not be altered except by those who formed it or in the mode prescribed by the parties to the compact itself. This Constitution was adopted for the purpose of remedying all defects of the Confederation, and in this it has succeeded beyond any calculation that could have been formed of any human institution.

You don't think you don't think I did that on purpose after what you said?" "No, no!" she said. "I know better. Perhaps I did think it, but oh, Tom, I was not worth it! I was not worth it!" "You are worth all the world to me," he said, "all the world and more." Lady Linden opened the door. She came in, treading softly; she came to the bedside and looked at him and then at the girl.

Tina had found a weapon apt for the purpose, which she had already secured; and when they sat down to supper, considering the completeness of the preparations, nobody would have thought Adelaide's life worth six hours' purchase. However, she was not destined to die that night.

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