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And never was he better pleased than when he saw Narberth again, and the lands where he had been wont to hunt with Pryderi and with Rhiannon. And he accustomed himself to fish, and to hunt the deer in their covert. And then he began to prepare some ground, and he sowed a croft, and a second, and a third. And no wheat in the world ever sprung up better.

'Pryderi has had the knockers of the gate of my palace hung about him, and Rhiannon has carried the collars of my asses around her neck, said the bishop with a smile. From the 'Mabinogion. ONCE upon a time there dwelt in the land of Erin a young man who was seeking a wife, and of all the maidens round about none pleased him as well as the only daughter of a farmer.

'I will grant thee this boon; and thou hast done wisely to ask it, for on thy head would have lit all the trouble. Set now my wife free. 'I will not set her free till Pryderi and Rhiannon are with me. 'Behold, here they come, said the bishop. Then Manawyddan held out his hands and greeted Pryderi and Rhiannon, and they seated themselves joyfully on the grass.

And when they had consumed their feast and all their provisions, they fed upon the prey they killed in hunting, and the honey of the wild swans. And one morning Pryderi and Manawyddan rose up to hunt, and they ranged their dogs and went forth.

'Look around upon thy land, said he, 'and thou wilt see it all tilled and peopled, as it was long ago. And Manawyddan looked, and saw corn growing in the fields, and cows and sheep grazing on the hill-side, and huts for the people to dwell in. And he was satisfied in his soul, but one more question he put to the bishop. 'What spell didst thou lay upon Pryderi and Rhiannon?

At this, the countenance of Pryderi fell, for he had made a promise to his people, that he would not sell or give away the swine, until they had produced double their number in the land; for there were no pigs and no pork like theirs, to be bought anywhere. Now this Gwyd was not very cunning, but he had the power of using magic arts.

Still, since she was caught, I will restore thee Pryderi and Rhiannon, and will take the charm from off thy lands. I have told thee who she is; so now set her free. 'I will not set her free, answered Manawyddan, 'till thou swear that no vengeance shall be taken for this, either upon Pryderi, or upon Rhiannon, or on me.

Now Gwydion was the best teller of tales in the world, and he diverted all the Court that night with pleasant discourse and with tales, so that he charmed every one in the Court, and it pleased Pryderi to talk with him. And after this, "Lord," said he unto Pryderi, "were it more pleasing to thee, that another should discharge my errand unto thee, than that I should tell thee myself what it is?"

Powell, the castle-lord, was so happy that he offered the man of Co-ed rich gifts of horses, jewels and dogs. But this good man felt repaid in delivering a pure woman and loving mother from undeserved shame and disgrace, by wisdom and honesty according to common duty. As for Pryderi, he was educated as a king's son ought to be, in all gentle arts and was trained in all manly exercises.

"I will that there be no more charm upon the seven cantrevs of Dyved, and that none shall be put upon it henceforth; moreover, that vengeance be never taken for this, either upon Pryderi or Rhiannon, or upon me." "All this shalt thou have. And truly thou hast done wisely in asking this. Upon thy head would have lit all this trouble." "Yea," said he, "for fear thereof was it that I required this."