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Updated: August 13, 2024

When she had taken order for her soule, she told me the young gentlewoman I look'd for was in the next roome; and desiring her upon her blessing to give me content, she turnes herselfe to the wall and gives up the ghost very privatly, because she was loth to trouble us. Un. By your relation theis appeare to be very good people. What if we went to visit one of these Matrons? I have a great mind

Because to hear her one would have considered the entire G. A. C. as her own idea. "Well," she said, "I don't know, unless we have a Secret Service and guard your father's mill. Because every one thinks he is going to have trouble with Spies." I made no reply to this, as William was dusting the Drawing Room, but said, "Come over. We can discuss that privatly." I then rang off.

Severe and explicit were the orders with regard to the use of the "Creature called Tobacko" on the Sabbath. In the very earliest days of the colony means had been taken to present the planting of the pernicious weed except in very small quantities "for meere necessitie, for phisick, for preseruaceon of health, and that the same be taken privatly by auncient men."

Ile thanke the rest if they withdraw: oh! Un. Wee'le to my chamber, captaine. Cap. You have a mind to examine the business privatly? Do. No, good Captaine, you may be present. Cou. Come, Thomas, thou shat be witnes, too. La. They are gone; they feigne most artificially, Let me embrace you. Fra. Oh, take heed. La. What's the matter? Fra.

Yes, since then A iust mistrust that you would crosse their match Causd them last night privatly to steale hence With an intention to have reacht the house Where Bonvills mother lives; but see the fates How they dispose of men! crossing the River That runns beneath your orchard, and ith darke, Their headstrong horses missing the ford overthrew them And, which I cannot without true griefe utter, There drownd them both.

In 3 dayes' time there arrived eighten severall nations, and came privatly, to have done the sooner. As we became to the number of 500, we held a councell. Then the shouts and cryes and the encouragments weare proclaimed, that a fort should be builded. They went about the worke and made a large fort. It was about 603 score paces in lenght and 600 in breadth, so that it was a square.

Why a good man ought not to exersise warfare as his arte, 33 Deedes of armes ought to be used privatly in time of peace for exersise, and in time of warre for necessetie and renoume, 36 The strength of an armie is the footemen, 38 The Romaines renued their Legions and had men in the flower of their age, 38 Whether men of armes ought to be kept, 40

They are to meet privatly & you shall be called to it. Cheare up & speake as you have done; that is my councell to you. For this you will remember me when you will see me in your country; ffor I will venter meselfe with you." Now we are more satisfied then the day before.

Having crossed over this great River Kawirinagaw, which signifies the dangerous, on the 16th, in the morning, wee discovered a Tent upon an Island. I sent one of my men privatly to see what it was.

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