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Its chief peculiarities were that its members were chosen, not by the primary electors, but by the assemblies of the ten districts which compose the province, and that it took cognisance merely of those matters which concerned more than one district.

Furthermore we do not even perceive what enters the eye. The things transmitted are waves or as Newton thought minute particles, and the things seen are colours. Locke met this difficulty by a theory of primary and secondary qualities. Namely, there are some attributes of the matter which we do perceive.

Without the slightest change in countenance or voice, she answered sweetly: "Why, dear love, of course I did write to Mr. Fabian first of all, and told him of the death of my dear husband, and asked him if he could help me to get another situation as primary teacher in a school or as a nursery governess." "And he did not respond?" "Oh, yes; indeed he did.

Now, as far as I can ascertain, the "as if" is the only ground there is for supposing that the female is represented in imaginal form there is no evidence of the fact, if fact it be. On the contrary, the behaviour of the male affords some fairly conclusive evidence that no such image is the primary factor in exciting the instinctive reaction.

However much he may be interested in the details of embryological science, the general student of natural history is more concerned with the bearing of its primary laws upon the great problem of evolution.

The ends which are scraped should be dipped in the oil. Two four-pint jars joined in series may be used to discharge through the primary.

The conception of justice, which is the primary one in morals; and the administration of justice, which is the vital condition of social existence; are impossible without the recognition of a certain likeness in men's claims in virtue of their common humanity.

For, the protection of the persons and property of men being the primary end of Government and religious instruction only a secondary end, to secure the people from heresy by making their lives, their limbs, or their estates insecure, would be to sacrifice the primary end to the secondary end.

Lead abounds on the Sananoqui river, and at Clinton, in the Niagara district; whilst plumbago, now so useful, is abundant throughout the line, where the primary and secondary rocks intersect each other. Mr.

Toxins are thus introduced into the blood, not only at the primary seat of infection, but also from each of these metastatic collections. Like septicæmia, this condition is due to pyogenic bacteria, the streptococcus pyogenes being the commonest organism found.