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Popof was on duty on the section between Mikhailov and Kizil Arvat when the line opened a section which was begun in the December of 1880 and finished in ten months, in November, 1881. Five years later the locomotive entered Merv, on the 14th July, 1886, and eighteen months later it was welcomed at Samarkand.

But why is Popof not in his seat? He also is not insensible to the charms of a cigar. It would seem that his conversation with the engineer has not finished yet. Ah! Here he is coming from the front of the luggage van. He comes out of it and shuts the door; he remains for a moment and is about to take a seat. A hand which holds a cigar, is stretched out toward him.

Amid the unfathomable darkness which envelops the Kara Koum, I experience the feeling of a night at sea when on shipboard. A feeble light filters through the blind of the guard's box. Shall I wait till it is extinct, or, as is very probable, will it not last till the morning? Anyhow, Popof is not asleep, as I discover by the noise he makes in turning over.

In ten months, at a cost of thirty-five thousand roubles, General Annenkof built this bridge, the most important one on the Grand Transasiatic. The river is of a dull-yellow color. A few islands emerge from the current here and there, as far as one can see. Popof pointed out the stations for the guards on the parapet of the bridge. "What are they for?" I asked.

"It is his own idea." "Well, Popof, when this exalted personage gets out perhaps you will let me know?" "He Will not get out." "Why not?" "Because he is dead." "Dead?" "Yes, and it is his body they are taking to Pekin, where he will be interred with all the honors due to him." So that we were to have an important personage in our train in the shape of a corpse, it is true. Never mind!

Up to now Major Noltitz had taken no part in the discussion. Now he interrupted Popof, and in a voice heard by all he asked: "Where is Faruskiar?" They all looked about and tried to discover what had become of the manager of the Transasiatic. "And where is his friend Ghangir?" asked the major. There was no reply. "And where are the four Mongols who were in the rear van?" asked Major Noltitz.

"Well, then!" said Major Noltitz, "the rascal who sent us on to the Nanking line, who would have hurled us into the Tjon valley, to walk off with the imperial treasure, is Faruskiar." "Faruskiar!" the passengers exclaimed. And most of them refused to believe it. "What!" said Popof.

You can tell me nothing about them I don't know." "Shall I tell you what I think about that couple, Monsieur Bombarnac?" "What do you think?" "That as soon as they reach Pekin, Miss Bluett will become Mrs. Ephrinell." "And may Heaven bless their union, Popof, for they are really made for each other." I saw that on this subject Popof and I held similar ideas.

"And the Russians in charge of the train are replaced by Chinese, are they not?" "Yes, with the exception of Popof, who goes through with us." "So that we shall have Chinese engine drivers and stokers? Well, major, that seems rather alarming, and the safety of the travelers " "Let me undeceive you, Monsieur Bombarnac. These Chinese are just as clever as we are.

None of these travelers, Popof told me, would cross the Russo-Chinese frontier, so that they interested me little or not at all. During dinner, at which all my numbers were present I have twelve now, and I do not suppose I shall go beyond that I noticed that Major Noltitz continued to keep his eye on his lordship Faruskiar. Had he begun to suspect him?