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To the reproaches that were heaped on our pilot for having kept too near the wind, he replied with the phlegmatic coolness peculiar to the Indians, observing "that the whites would find sun enough on those banks to dry their papers." We lost only one book the first volume of the Genera Plantarum of Schreber which had fallen overboard.

It was a warm afternoon, and the little man sat in his library composing a letter to Mr. John Ray, of Cambridge University, whose forthcoming Historia Plantarum he believed himself to be enriching with one or two suggestions on hibernation. Narcissus Swiggs was down at the Fish and Anchor drinking King William's health.

In 1681, while Malpighi's work, Anatomia plantarum, was on its way to the Royal Society for publication, Grew's Anatomy of Vegetables was in the hands of the publishers, making its appearance a few months earlier than the work of the great Italian. Grew's book was epoch-marking in pointing out the sex-differences in plants.

The observations of Theophrastus are, however, so accurate, so lucid, and so complete that they might well be used as legends for the plates of these writers two thousand years after him. Nathaniel Highmore, A History of Generation, London, 1651. Marcello Malpighi, Anatome plantarum, London, 1675. Nehemiah Grew, Anatomy of Vegetables begun, London, 1672.

Historia plantarum, i. 13, iii. Theophrastus has a perfectly clear idea of plant distribution as dependent on soil and climate, and at times seems to be on the point of passing from a statement of climatic distribution into one of real geographical regions. The general question of plant distribution long remained at, if it did not recede from, the position where he left it.

I have seen no specimens of the Zelkova stipulacea of Franchet and Savatier's "Enumeratio Plantarum Japonicarum," vol. ii., p. 489, and as that seems to have been described from somewhat insufficient material, and, moreover, does not appear to be in cultivation, I passed it over as a doubtful plant. Royal Gardens, Kew. Prof.

It is recorded by Herodotus and is represented by a frequent symbol on the Assyrian monuments. Pliny, Naturalis historia, xiii. 4. The special meaning here given to the word is explained in another work of Theophrastus, De causis plantarum, ii. 9, xv. Historia plantarum, ii. 8, iv. Herodotus i. 193.

'Individualism, like other words that have become watchwords of controversy, has various shades of meaning, and requires a little more definition. See preface to Constitutional Code in vol. ix. Bentham's nephew, George, who died when approaching his eighty-fourth birthday, devoted the last twenty-five years of his life with equal assiduity to his Genera Plantarum.

The comparison of the fertilization of the date palm to the use of the wild fig refers to the practice of Caprification. Theophrastus tells us that there are certain trees, the fig among them, which are apt to shed their fruit prematurely. To remedy this 'the device adopted is caprification. Historia plantarum, ii. 8, i. Ibid. ii. 8, ii. Historia plantarum, ii. 8, iv.

Quale nempe primordium, ovum est et plantarum semen; tale etiam viviparorum conceptus, et insectorum vermis ab Aristotele dictus: diversa scilicet diversorum viventium primordia." The definition of a germ as "matter potentially alive, and having within itself the tendency to assume a definite living form," appears to meet all the requirements of modern science.