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Even now I cannot bring myself to write the line without toning it down. "'It snows! cries the widow. 'Oh G d!" At the beginning of winter, I will not deny, that the schoolboy might have shouted: "It's snowin'! Hooee!" when he saw the first snow flakes sifting down, and realized that the Old Woman was picking her geese.

He took a bedroom in Pall Mall and sat at the window with an electric rifle picking them off on the door-steps of the clubs. It was a noble idea, but of course it imperilled the very existence of the society. He was a curate." "What became of him?" asked Andrew. "He is better dead," said the stranger, softly. "And the Society you speak of, what is it?" "The S. D. W. S. P." "The S. D. W. S. P.?"

"I do not," Collier Pratt said with unnecessary emphasis. Nancy was of two minds about picking the child up in her little white night-gown and bringing her out to her father, flushed and lovely with sleep as she was.

Partridge: "You were speaking about being afraid that the farmer would shoot you; he never shoots at me, but one time he threw a stone at me when I was picking some of the cherries to bring home to my babies. He seemed very angry about something." "Perhaps he did not like you to be picking his cherries," said Mrs. Partridge. "They were not his cherries!" said Robert Robin.

Miss Tucker did not observe she was nearsighted that in its fall, and in Henrietta's picking it up, it was reversed, so that the side presented to the schoolmistress was not the side on which the girl had last been at work. All Miss Tucker saw was that the side which faced her when she took the slate from Henrietta's hand contained a picture of a little child.

Find out who made it, and go and ask in the shop if I bought it." "How can I find out who made it?" asked Denzil, who was beginning to feel that Lydia was one too many for him. "Here! I'll show you!" said Lydia, and picking up the cloak she turned over the tab at the neck, by which it was hung up. At the back of this there was a small piece of tape with printed black letters.

"But it isn't nonsense. I tell you that I know nothing about it. I suppose you are alluding to my uncle's money; and I tell you that I know nothing and care nothing." "Psha! I hate to hear a man talk in that way. I hate such humbug." "Harcourt, my dear fellow " "It is humbug. I am not in a humour now to stand picking my words. I have been infernally badly used badly used on every side."

"'Twas nae muckle," said Hannah, and she added, for the truth was ever more to her than her father's wrath, "he gi'ed me saxpence for a fush." "Siller!" shrieked the Highlander. "Siller from a McWhinus!" Hannah handed him the sixpence. Oyster McOyster dashed it fiercely on the ground, then picking it up he dashed it with full force against the wall of the cottage.

Hugh went home, and picking up a book he was reading, proceeded to renew his interest in the story. Half an hour slipped away in this fashion. Then he heard a jolly whistle down on the street, which he knew full well. Sure enough, it was Thad coming hurriedly toward the Morgan home. He discovered Hugh at the window and waved his hand.

I held the letter in my palm, and I looked my intention at the woman. She knew I had something for her; she must have been expecting it, and had set herself to divining, at the moment we entered, which of us was the messenger. But one of the matrons stood within two feet of her. Already the hall-men were picking up the bundles they were to carry away. The moment was passing.