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Updated: August 18, 2024

Previous to my departure I packed up the journals of the officers, the charts, and some other documents, together with a letter addressed to the Under-Secretary of State detailing the occurrences of the Expedition up to this period, which package was given in charge to Peltier and Samandre with directions that it should be brought away by the Indians who might come to them.

As his strength was rapidly declining we advised him to desist from the pursuit of deer, and only to go out for a short time and endeavour to kill a few partridges for Peltier and Samandre. The Doctor obtained a little tripe de roche but Peltier could not eat any of it, and Samandre only a few spoonfuls, owing to the soreness of their throats.

Above the judges' heads hung the tables of the Rights of Man; to their right and left, against the old feudal walls, the busts of Le Peltier Saint-Fargeau and Marat. Facing the jury bench, at the lower end of the hall, rose the public gallery.

As the insides of our mouths had become sore from eating the bone-soup we relinquished the use of it and now boiled the skin, which mode of dressing we found more palatable than frying it, as we had hitherto done. On the 29th Peltier felt his pains more severe and could only cut a few pieces of wood.

Louis Peltier was singular in possessing the latter quality, for assuredly the half-breeds, whatever other good points they boast, cannot lay claim to very gentle or dove-like dispositions. His grey capote and blue leggings were decorated with no unusual ornaments, and the scarlet belt which encircled his massive figure was the only bit of colour he displayed.

John Hepburn, English seaman. Canadian voyagers: Joseph Peltier, Matthew Pelonquin, dit Credit, Solomon Belanger, Joseph Benoit, Joseph Gagne, Pierre Dumas, Joseph Forcier, Ignace Perrault, Francois Samandre, Gabriel Beauparlant, Vincenza Fontano, Registe Vaillant, Jean Baptiste Parent, Jean Baptiste Belanger, Jean Baptiste Belleau, Emanuel Cournoyee, Michel Teroahaute, an Iroquois,

Libels on foreign Sovereigns ought not to be permitted. I remember reading with great satisfaction, the history of a great case, which was pleaded and argued at considerable length, some years ago, in this country I mean the case of the "King v. Peltier," in the court of King's Bench.

Peltier and Samandre continued very weak and dispirited and they were unable to cut firewood. Hepburn had in consequence that laborious task to perform after he came back. The Doctor having scarified the swelled parts of Adam's body a large quantity of water flowed out, and he obtained some ease but still kept his bed. After our usual supper of singed skin and bone-soup Dr.

Moreover, he had been cut to the quick by some foolish articles of a French émigré named Peltier, in a paper published at London: instead of treating them with the contempt they deserved, he magnified these ravings of a disappointed exile into an event of high policy, and fulminated against the Government which allowed them.

So, after getting one or two more articles not forgetting half a dozen clay pipes, and a few yards of gaudy calico, which called forth from Peter a second reference to Annette he bundled up his goods, and made way for another comrade. Louis Peltier, one of the principal guides, and a man of importance therefore, now stood forward.

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