United States or Mauritania ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I wonder which of all these we had better discuss; for there are such wonderful things to tell even of the tiniest creeping and winged creature, that I only wish we had time for them all the honey-making bees and the paper-making wasps, the many coloured dragon-flies, the moths, the butterflies and the beetles but as we must choose one out of this great family, it shall be the "wise" and busy little ant: for how are we to learn the lesson which God has given her to teach us, if we do not, as He bids us, "consider her ways?"

In addition a number of fellowships have been privately established by individuals and corporations, ranging from the classics to paper-making. During the last few years there have been in all between thirty-five and forty-five fellowships ordinarily available. The enrolment in the School reached 570 in 1916.

Timber Supply of the United States. Forest Service Department of Agriculture Circular, 116. Forestry and the Lumber Supply. Forest Service Department of Agriculture Circular, 97. How to Cultivate and Care for Forests in Semi-arid Regions. Forest Service Department of Agriculture Circular, 54. Paper-making Materials and their Conservation. Bureau of Chemistry, 41.

Indeed, I have some reason to think that we shall find it not far off; and that is why I speak with such confidence, in saying, that we might not be so deficient in the materials for paper-making." "What reason, brother Karl? Perhaps you have seen something like it?" "I have.

It has now twenty-four large paper-making corporations, one having the largest paper-mill in the world. A long established cotton mannfacturing company employs one thousand and three hundred operatives. A company manufacturing worsted goods employs one thousand persons, the two mammoth thread-mills have some one thousand names on the pay-rolls.

Moreover, they are generally to be had for the trouble of collecting them, after they have once covered the cost of their production in the form of clothing materials; when, through being frayed by repeated washings, they undergo a preparation which particularly adapts them to the purpose of paper-making.

'They tell me that seven or eight thousand pounds will be realised from that source; it seems a pity that the investment was not left to you intact. Whether there will be any delay in withdrawing the money I can't say. The executors were two old friends of the deceased, one of them a former partner in his paper-making concern.

That rag will yet fetch its price, for it can be bought for paper-making. But these dead souls are good for NOTHING AT ALL. Can you name anything that they ARE good for?" "True, true they ARE good for nothing. But what troubles me is the fact that they are dead." "What a blockhead of a creature!" said Chichikov to himself, for he was beginning to lose patience.

The paper-making process the vast revolving boiler of twelve feet by twenty-six; the countless sacks of filthy rags, that have clothed peasants of the Black Forest, beggars on the steps of St.

This bird's eye view of the history of the invention shows incontestably that great industrial and intellectual advances are made exceedingly slowly, and little by little, even as Nature herself proceeds. Perhaps articulate speech and the art of writing were gradually developed in the same groping way as typography and paper-making.