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Certainly he had done nothing which gave me any title to judge him, and a man with a job to serve isn't over-ready to be nice about his masters, whatever their doings. I came to the conclusion that he was just a dotty old boy who had gone crazy over some girl, and that he was driving out by night to see her.

It had been in all their memories, of course, a vague, hovering uncertainty, a dark suspicion that one put aside and would not look at. But to have it now placed before them, and in these cold, these somber tones, was to receive an icy douche of reality, to be convicted of over-ready hope, over-generous confidence.

It should not be inclined to "go back on" a man who has blundered or who has been found lacking in understanding. It should not be over-ready to embrace a stranger just because his faults are not known. The financial hazard of a business enterprise is greatly minimized by using men as they are found, and properly placing them at work or in offices for which they are qualified.

That pert young Antyllus was over-ready with his tongue yesterday at Barine's. Poor fellow! He'll have to answer for it to his tutor at home." "You mean the remark about the Queen's accompanying the fleet?" "St!" said Dion, putting his finger on his lips, for many men and women were now ascending the temple steps.

They thought them arrogant and untamed, over-ready to grab once more all the privileges which a bloody Revolution had swept away.

'Sir, if we had known, said the ranger, who was evidently of gentle blood, as he took his foot off the jesses, and Jean now allowed David to remount her. 'But my Lord Duke is very heedful of his bustards, and when Roger there went to seize the bird, my young lady was over-ready with her knife. 'Who would not be for thee, my bird? murmured Jean.

If any of the race did, after all, prove to be fit to survive, they would survive they would be picked out with a sure and automatic justice from the over-ready condemnation of all their kind. Is there, however, an all-round inferior race in the world?

The result was that the United States seemed to have been over-ready to take sides against the revolutionists, and the latter became increasingly hostile to Americans. Relations finally broke under the strain of a street quarrel in the city of Valparaiso in the fall of 1891.

"Those Jews are mighty hard on their daughters," commented the older folk, "if any scandal falls upon them. Ignácz is a hard man and over-ready with his stick." "I shouldn't be surprised," was the universal conclusion, "if we should hear of another tragedy by and by."

Nor has this over-ready impetuosity ever caused the world to falter in its reverence. He came bringing not peace but a sword, in all the spheres in which he moved, and in Horace Mann's world it was a time for the sword. He was a path-breaker in regions obstructed by mischievous accumulations.