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Updated: August 12, 2024

Arvilly believes that over Alan Thorne's name wuz printed: "Alan Thorne, foolish boy, tempted and ondone by the country he was trying to save." And then this sentence in fiery flame: "The United States of America, guilty of murder in the first degree." Dretful murder, to take the life of the one that loved it and wuz tryin' to save it.

But it seemed as if he couldn't be soothed; and agin he kinder sithed out, "I pinned my faith onto Letitia, and it has ondone me;" and he kinder whimpered. But I says firmly, but gently, "You will hear to your companion another time, will you not? and pin your faith onto truth and justice and right?" "No, I won't. I won't pin it onto nothin' nor nobody. I'm done with politics from this day."

"Yes, it was a very bad thing; and I wish it was ondone. But it is too late now. She died of the fever, too that's some comfort; had she died of a broken heart, I could not have forgiven myself. Molly was not without her faults great faults, I considered them; but, on the whole, Molly was a good creatur'." "You liked her, then, Stephen Spike?"

I don't say what she had in the bag, but I do say this, that she had it fixed so's she could have ondone it in a secont's time. And her eyes wuz intent on the heavens overhead. But they kep calm and serene and cloudless, nothin' to be seen there no sign, no change and Ma Charnick kep still and didn't draw the puckerin' string.

Mis' Beckman sets herself up as a shinin' example on cake, and she'll come just t' be critical an' find fault, if she can. If I can't bake all around her the best day she ever seen, I'll give up cookin' anything but spuds. She had the soggiest kind uh jelly roll t' the su'prise on Mary last winter. I know it was hern, fer I seen her bring it in, an' I went straight an' ondone it.

"No!" sez I firmly, "when I want to foller Cleopatra's fashion and commit suicide, I will hire a rattlesnake and take my pizen as she did, on the outside." Well, I got back to Hiram Cagwin's tired as a dog, and Serepta's errents ondone. But my conscience opholded me and told me I had done my very best, and man or woman can do no more.

But she wuzn't one of 'em; she could not, and would not, take comfort with things ondone on her mind." And I sez, "If folks don't take any comfort with the memories of things ondone on 'em, I guess that there wouldn't be much comfort took, for, do the best we can in this world, we have to leave some things ondone. We can't do everything."

Miss Gowdey wuz a-comin' to the World's Fair as soon as she made her rag-carpet for her summer kitchen; she said "she wouldn't go off and leave her work ondone, and she hadn't got more'n half of the rags cut, and she hadn't colored butnut yet, nor copperas; she would not leave her house a-sufferin' and her rags oncut."

I don't say what she had in the bag, but I do say this, that she had it fixed so's she could have ondone it in a secont's time. And her eyes wuz intent on the heavens overhead. But they kep calm and serene and cloudless, nothin' to be seen there no sign, no change and Ma Charnick kep still and didn't draw the puckerin' string.

"Wall," she said, "she couldn't take no comfort with the memory of things ondone a-weighin' down on her." She said "some folks wuz different," and she looked clost at me as she said it. "Some folks could go off on towers and be happy with the thought of rags oncut and warp oncolored, or spooled, or anything.

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