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According to the Hrólfssaga, he is the son of Sævil and Signy. The Skjọldungasaga has made him the son of Ingjald. In the Hrólfssaga, Hroar is said to have married an English lady named Ögn. The Skjọldungasaga also says that Hroar married an English lady, but omits her name. Finally, Ingjald is given another son, Frothi. He corresponds to Frothi V in Saxo.

The view explains how the old expedition felt "every day more in love with this beautiful country," The sea-like river wants nothing but cattle on its banks to justify the description "Appunto una scena pastorale, a cui fanno Quinci il mar, quinci i colli, e d' ogn' intorno I fior, le piante, e l' ombre, e l' onde, e 'l cielo. Unteatro pomposo."

Stor. xv. pt. ii. p. 215. Here is a graphic touch in Varchi's History, vol. iii. p. 202. Guicciardini is discussing the appointment of Cosimo de' Medici: 'Gli dovessero esser pagati per suo piatto ogn' anno 12,000 fiorini d' oro, e non più, avendo il Guicciardino, abbassando il viso e alzando gli occhi, detto: "Un 12,000 fiorini d' oro è un bello spendere."

Hroar married Ögn, the daughter of Northri, shared the royal power with his father-in-law, and after Northri's death succeeded to the throne of Northumberland. Helgi remained at home, and, by agreement with Hroar, became sole King of Denmark. In Saxo's seventh book, there is another version of the same story.

The foregoing explanation of how Hroar came to be regarded as King of Northumberland has a bearing on Beowulf-criticism. The name of Hroar's wife is given as Ögn. In Beowulf, Hrothgar's wife, Wealhtheow, is called a Helming and is supposed to be an English lady.

The warrior Stärkodder dwelt in this district, and liked the pretty girl Ogn right well; but she was fonder of Hergrimmer, and therefore he was challenged by Stärkodder to combat here by the falls, and met his death; but Ogn sprung towards them, took her bridegroom's bloody sword, and thrust it into her own heart. Thus Stärkodder did not gain her.

He defends himself thus in a letter to Lodovico Buonarroti: "Del caso dei Medici io non ò mai parlato contra di loro cosa nessuna, se non in quel modo che s' è parlato generalmente per ogn' uomo, come fu del caso di Prato; che se le pietre avessin saputo parlare, n' avrebbono parlato."

Who does not remember the beautiful passage in Tasso, where the crusaders burst into tears at the sight of the holy sepulchre? "Nudo ciascuno il pie calca il sentiero, Ch'l'esempio de duci ogn' altromuove Serico fregio d'or, piuma e criniero Superbo dal suo capo ognon rimuove, E d'insieme del cor l'abito altero Depone, e calde e pie lagrime piove."

In support of this idea, Sarrazin and, following him, Thomas Arnold have stated that perhaps we have a reminiscence of her nationality in that of Ögn. But, as we have seen, there is no connection between the two women. Finally, let it be stated that not all has been said about the Hroar-Helgi story that one would like to say.

It is said of Donaldbane, that he fled to Ireland "where he was tenderlie cherished by the king of that land"; similarly, Hroar went to Northumberland, where he received a hearty welcome and later married King Northri's daughter, Ögn. Siward was first an earl in Denmark; similarly, Sævil was an earl in Denmark.