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Updated: July 31, 2024

For though even in much later times the Hindus never produced historians in the strict sense of the term, we are able to call in aid the valuable testimony not only of a few indigenous chroniclers but also of Greek and Chinese and Arab writers and travellers, as well as the authoritative evidence supplied by epigraphy and numismatics; and though for many centuries still very infrequently, the precious remains of ancient monuments.

For a further disquisition on this subject, see Vol. I. p. 22, of this work, article Apelles. Numismatics is the science which has for its object the study of coins and medals, especially those struck by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Sometimes, you may find your most valuable work on coins mutilated by the abstraction of a plate, carried off by some student of numismatics. Sometimes, you may discover a fine picture or portrait abstracted from a book by some lover of art or collector of portraits. Again, you may be horrified by finding a whole sermon torn out of a volume of theology by a theological student or even a clergyman.

I travel with a man and we want to make change very often in paying bills. Mighty deal of good that'll do me! It isn't quite so handy as a few specimens of the modern currency would be, but you can pump him on numismatics. To be sure, to be sure.

Yes, a smattering of numismatics may come in handy, at times. So does sailor lore. It did, for instance, with a chap I used to know. He had read up, on this special dollar. He was dead-broke. He was passing the Gloucester waterfront, one day, and saw a dockful of rotting old schooners that were being sold at auction for firewood and for such bits of their metal as weren't rusted to pieces.

These researches, continuing year after year, grew to be more and more valuable, until they became widely celebrated. By the time he had reached middle age he was as well known among the guild of antiquarians as a Quaker is known by his costume. Before his death he had been elected a member of all the prominent societies in numismatics, history, and archaeology throughout the world.

Ancient Numismatics extends to the extinction of the empire of the West; the Numismatics of the middle ages commences with Charlemagne; and modern Numismatics with the revival of learning. Medals indicate the names of provinces and cities, determine their position, and present pictures of many celebrated places.

He already knows the omnibus and tramway lines better than I; he talks of Bourges as if it were twenty years since he left it: "When I used to live in the country, Fabien " My father-in-law has found in him a whole-hearted admirer, perhaps even a future pupil in numismatics. Their friendship makes me think of that "Of course not, my dear; the brown diary is for our two selves alone."

Pollard had detached from the planks of the church wall. "To be sure, it scarcely comes within the province of numismatics." He took the plaque. His brows contracted, and presently he laid it on the table, drew my chair towards him in an absent-minded fashion, and, sitting down, rested his brow on his open palms.

He spent ten dollars in hiring men to rip out her mast. Under it was an 1804 dollar. He sold it for $3,600." "Since you know so much about the 1804 dollar," went on Milo, catechizingly, "perhaps you know why it is so rare? Or perhaps you didn't add a study of American history to your numismatics?"

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