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But the prettiest lady here is the sister of Morris, Miss Blanche." "Madame Noury, you were singing when I came in," said the governor when the introductions had been completed. "But they were singing American hymns, not adapted to your religion or mine," replied Mrs. Noury. "I don't care for that," he added; and both spoke French.

Some of the most distinguished of the civil and military officers located in the city called at this hour by invitation of the viscount, to pay their respects to the visitors; and Mrs. Blossom declared that she was never so "frustrated" in all her life. "I should like to take my band with me," said General Noury, when the officials had all departed.

The breakfast was nearly finished when the word came; and the party soon went on deck, where they found all the passengers of the Blanche and the British consul. The usual hugging and kissing on the part of the ladies and handshaking by the gentlemen followed, and the two consuls were duly presented to all. "It is time for us to go on shore," said General Noury, looking at his watch.

They looked at the speaker just as though they understood what he was saying. They joined in the applause when the lecturer presented himself before his audience with their "Ra, ra, ra!" finishing with the squeak which was a part of their language. General Noury took his place on the platform after he had shaken hands with Mrs. Mingo, who gave him an encouraging smile as he mounted the rostrum.

The Italian band had been brought into the palace, feasted, and stationed in the great hall, where they discoursed their finest music, to the great delight of the guests. Dancing followed, and the governor led Mrs. Noury to the floor. The rajah asked Mrs. Blossom to dance with him; but she did not know a step, and if she ever in her life regretted that she could not dance, it was on this occasion.

'It is a peculiarly imperious necessity of our existence, we read in Jelal Noury Bey's propaganda, 'to Turkise the Arab lands, for the particularistic idea of nationality is awaking among the younger generations of Arabs, and already threatens us with a great catastrophe. Against the Arabs the Young Turks formed and fostered a special animosity; they were powerful and warlike, and Enver, Talaat, and others saw that the idea of an Osmanli supremacy could never be realised unless very drastic measures were taken against them.

"I am very fond of music, and I think it will afford us all a great deal of pleasure; of course I mean at my own expense." "I beg your pardon, General Noury, but it must be at my expense," interposed Lord Tremlyn.

Noury, who was very fond of the little creature. The professor then took his place again on the rostrum, with the pointer in his hand. "Mr. Commander, ladies and gentlemen," he began. "Before I say a word, I desire to acknowledge my very great obligations to Mr. Gaskette for the elegant map he has prepared and placed before us.

Gaskette had not hung up the map of Cochin China, for Achang and the carpenter had taken up the space before appropriated to it. Mr. Stevens, the carpenter, suggested a way to get over the difficulty; but it would take him half an hour to put up a frame in front of the orang. "I shall not be able to get half through Cochin China before lunch-time," said General Noury, consulting his watch.

At Aden, Captain Ringgold discovered the white steamer, and fearing she was the one built for the Pacha, as Mazagan had informed him in regard to her, he paid her a visit, and found Captain Sharp in command of her. The Moor was known as General Noury here, and he made an abject apology to the visitor.