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"Not on that account only; she is hard and sharp to others, but to me she has shown nothing but kindness, ever since I was a boy." "She hates me." "Patience, Lucilla; patience! The day is coming when the daughter of Nigrinus, the wife of Caesar, and the former Empress but I will not finish. I am, as you know, warmly attached to Sabina, and sincerely wish the Emperor a long life."

She tried to lift it to her lips but he drew it away and went on: "Inform him that we accept him as our son. His wife is the daughter of Nigrinus who had to go, as I desired to stay and stand firm. You do not love Lucilla, but we must both admire her for I do not know another woman in Rome whose virtue a man might vouch for.

Thus he begins in his "Nigrinus" his picture of the degraded corruption of Rome at that time in this way: "Wretch, why didst thou quit Greece, the sunlight, and that free and happy life? Why didst thou come here into this turmoil of splendid slavery, of service and festivals, of sycophants, flatterers, poisoners, orphan-robbers, and false friends?"

Lucilla was greatly excited, and a thought, that for years had been locked in the inmost shrine of her heart, to-day proved too strong for her powers of reticence. Hadrian was supposed to have murdered her father, but no one could positively assert it, though either he or another man had certainly slain the noble Nigrinus.

So long as Lucian merely furnishes absurdity, as in his "Wishes," in the "Lapithae," in "Jupiter Tragoedus," etc., he is only a humorist, and gratifies us by his sportive humor; but he changes character in many passages in his "Nigrinus," his "Timon," and his "Alexander," when his satire directs its shafts against moral depravity.

What may have occurred formerly must not spoil the present and the future which belong to us and to our children." "Nigrinus was the grandfather of those children," cried the Roman mother with flashing eyes. "That is to say that you harbor in your soul the wish to avenge your father's death on Caesar." "I am the daughter of the butchered man."

He lay in silence on his couch till morning began to grow gray, thinking over every evil hour of his life the murders of Nigrinus, of Tatianus and of the senators, by which he had secured the sovereignty and again he vowed to the gods immense sacrifices if only they would protect him from impending disaster.

Lucilla was greatly excited, and a thought, that for years had been locked in the inmost shrine of her heart, to-day proved too strong for her powers of reticence. Hadrian was supposed to have murdered her father, but no one could positively assert it, though either he or another man had certainly slain the noble Nigrinus.

He lay in silence on his couch till morning began to grow gray, thinking over every evil hour of his life the murders of Nigrinus, of Tatianus and of the senators, by which he had secured the sovereignty and again he vowed to the gods immense sacrifices if only they would protect him from impending disaster.

Lucilla was greatly excited, and a thought, that for years had been locked in the inmost shrine of her heart, to-day proved too strong for her powers of reticence. Hadrian was supposed to have murdered her father, but no one could positively assert it, though either he or another man had certainly slain the noble Nigrinus.