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"Not on that account only; she is hard and sharp to others, but to me she has shown nothing but kindness, ever since I was a boy." "She hates me." "Patience, Lucilla; patience! The day is coming when the daughter of Nigrinus, the wife of Caesar, and the former Empress but I will not finish. I am, as you know, warmly attached to Sabina, and sincerely wish the Emperor a long life."

On the following day, Homullus spoke on behalf of Varenus, and delivered a skilful, powerful, and polished speech, while Nigrinus replied with terseness, dignity, and elegance.

Thus he begins in his "Nigrinus" his picture of the degraded corruption of Rome at that time in this way: "Wretch, why didst thou quit Greece, the sunlight, and that free and happy life? Why didst thou come here into this turmoil of splendid slavery, of service and festivals, of sycophants, flatterers, poisoners, orphan-robbers, and false friends?"

"Not on that account only; she is hard and sharp to others, but to me she has shown nothing but kindness, ever since I was a boy." "She hates me." "Patience, Lucilla; patience! The day is coming when the daughter of Nigrinus, the wife of Caesar, and the former Empress but I will not finish. I am, as you know, warmly attached to Sabina, and sincerely wish the Emperor a long life."