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"I'm going to! Will you help me?" "Sure. Anything I can do to help you in the culture-grabbing line yours to oblige, G. F. Babbitt." "Very well then, I want you to go to Mrs. Mudge's New Thought meeting with me, next Sunday afternoon." "Mrs. Who's which?" "Mrs. Opal Emerson Mudge. The field-lecturer for the American New Thought League.

A top-mast was hoisted, and another jib, held out to the wind, added its force to the other sails. Although the speed could not be exactly estimated, the sledge could not be going at less than forty miles an hour. "If nothing breaks," said Mudge, "we shall get there!" Mr. Fogg had made it Mudge's interest to reach Omaha within the time agreed on by the offer of a handsome reward.

It was with some difficulty that he succeeded in getting out the name, such was his amusement at Mr. Mudge's evident terror. "What do you want of me?" inquired Mudge, nervously. "You half starved me when I was alive," returned Ben, in a hollow voice, "I must be revenged." So saying he took one step forward, spreading out his arms. This was too much for Mr. Mudge.

Something came at last, but without perhaps appearing quite adequately to crown the monument. Preparation and precaution were, however, the natural flowers of Mr. Mudge's mind, and in proportion as these things declined in one quarter they inevitably bloomed elsewhere.

Tillard sprang to the halyards, and, without waiting for Mudge's orders, lowered the sail half down. "Keep her before the wind, Mr Mudge; it's our only chance now!" he exclaimed. Mudge, seeing that this was the best thing to be done, followed his advice; and the wind striking us the instant afterwards, away we flew directly before it.

Mudge's form of worship was one of several things they made up in superiority and beauty for what they wanted in number that she had long ago settled he should take from her, and she had now moreover for the first time definitely established her own. Its principal feature was that it was to be the same as that of Mrs.

The effects of such incessant labor without a sufficient supply of nourishing food, may easily be imagined. The dry bread and meagre soup which constituted the chief articles of diet in Mrs. Mudge's economical household, had but one recommendation, they were effectual preventives of gluttony.

Poulter always sat at the head of the table and carved. This was the position she occupied when Mr. Goacher came, and she did not offer to resign it. Mrs. Mudge was helped first, but it was towards the knuckle and she had no fat. 'Thank you, Mrs. Poulter, but will you please give me a piece of fat? Mrs. Poulter, scowling, placed a minute portion of hard, half-burnt skin on Mrs. Mudge's plate.

Myers's little girl was better; that they were taking their meals at the Clarendon pending the mobilization of their house-servants; that they expected to dine with the Mortimer Trevelyans this evening; that food for the dog may with propriety be brought home from a hotel, but not from the Mortimer Trevelyans; that there was utterly nothing in the icebox for poor Mudge's supper; that Mudge was a chow dog purchased by a friend of Mr.

Carter having said of the same person, 'I doubt he was an Atheist. JOHNSON. 'I don't know that. Sir Joshua Reynolds praised Mudge's Sermons. JOHNSON. 'Mudge's Sermons are good, but not practical. He grasps more sense than he can hold; he takes more corn than he can make into meal; he opens a wide prospect, but it is so distant, it is indistinct. I love Blair's Sermons.