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She laughed and beckoned forward the young farmer, who dropped his occupation among the rosebuds and shuffled forward obediently enough, yet wearing an expression none too gracious. "'Afternoon, gentlemen," mumbled Farmer Middlecoat, and his sulky tone seemed to show that he had not forgotten previous encounters. "Won't offer to shake hands. 'Cos why?"

"And now I've plucked it," sighed Mrs Bosenna. "Well, if you won't, perhaps Mr Middlecoat will, rather than waste it." Mr Middlecoat stepped forward and allowed the enormous bloom to be inserted in his buttonhole, where its pure white threw up a fine contrast to his crimsoning face. "You won't think me forward, I hope?" said Mrs Bosenna, turning about.

"I'd like to give that Middlecoat a piece of my mind," growled Cai, and swore. His arm by this time was about Mrs Bosenna's waist, and she was yielding to it. But he saw 'Bias still steadily confronting the herd saw him lift an arm, a hand grasping a hat, and wave it violently saw thereupon the steers swing about and head back for the gate, heads down, sterns heaving and plunging.

"Come, Mr Middlecoat!" protested the auctioneer, after another glance at Mr Baker. "Indeed, sir, you will not drive me to believe as you're jokin'?" Mr Middlecoat, whose gaze had rested on Mr Baker, faced about, and, looking down the table, caught the eye of one of his supporters, who nodded. "Three-seven-five!" called out the supporter. "Four hundred!" Mr Middlecoat promptly capped the bid.

One had heard or so he alleged that "manganese" had been discovered somewhere up the valley before his time but he could remember his father telling of it. Mr Middlecoat stepped to the window and glanced out in to the square for a moment. He returned, and nervously bid "Ten more!"

Dinah, who answered the bell, appeared to be somewhat upset at sight of the two on the doorstep together. 'Bias took up a position with his back to the fire and his legs a-straddle. Cai stuck his hands in his pockets and stared gloomily out of window. For some three minutes neither spoke, then Cai, of a sudden, gave a start. "There's that Middlecoat!" he exclaimed. "Hey?"