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Look! there in his charmed and secret sight stood the spirit, and there, over against her, the mortal woman, and he wavering he lost between the two. Certainly he had been sick a long while, since the sun-ray touched the face of the old abbot carved in that corner of the room to support the hammer beam. This, as he had known from a child, only chanced at mid-summer.

After the hay had been cut and stacked in mid-summer, they were summoned to Boston to testify in the trial of Preston. They left in September taking with them a drove of horses. "It will be good for Jack," John Irons had said to his wife. "He'll be the better prepared for his work in Philadelphia next fall." Two important letters had arrived that summer.

The Lancaster Gate family, he clearly intended, in which he included its American recruits, and included above all Kate Croy a young person blessedly easy to take care of. She knew people, and people knew her, and she was the handsomest thing there this last a declaration made by Milly, in a sort of soft mid-summer madness, a straight skylark-flight of charity, to Aunt Maud.

The various species of Chrysopa or Lace-winged flies, appear during this month. The Insects of July. During mid-summer the bees and wasps are very busy building their nests and rearing their young.

Camp MacDermit with its dreary associations and surroundings faded gradually from my mind, like a dream. The year of 1879 brought us several changes. My little daughter was born in mid-summer at our old home in Nantucket.

The Athenians were still possessed by their daring scheme of conquest, and they decreed that Alcibiades should keep his command, and sail at once to Sicily. At last the great day arrived, and in the first light of a mid-summer dawn, a vast multitude was seen pouring along the broad highway which led, between the Long Walls, from Athens to Peiraeus.

Travelling towards the south, out of the silken haze of a mid-summer day, you would come in time to the hills of Maine; north, to the city of Quebec and the river St. Lawrence; east, to the ocean; and west, to the Great Lakes and the land of the English.

All the old frozen woes seemed to melt in her, and she murmured awkwardly, looking away from him: "Oh, I'll wait." There had never been such a June in Eagle County. Usually it was a month of moods, with abrupt alternations of belated frost and mid-summer heat; this year, day followed day in a sequence of temperate beauty. Every morning a breeze blew steadily from the hills.

A three-piece Prince serge, warranted fast, with the English shoulders and high-cut vest, which only last week had been $15, for Jem had seen it in the window with his own eyes, but had waited around, knowing that the Mid-Summer Stock Rejuicing Sales were now about due.

Mid-summer Day had also come and gone, but with less noise and clamour, for St. John's Fair had been carried on with an orderly gaiety as the same Jean Touzel said, like a sheet of music. Even the French singers and dancers from St. Malo had been approved in Norman phrases by the Bailly and the Jurats, for now there was no longer war between England and France, Napoleon was at St.