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An engagement called Everard back to town. He was to be present at the wedding of his friend Micklethwaite, now actually on the point of taking place.

He insisted, first of all, on hearing a full account of Barfoot's history since they both met. They had corresponded about twice a year, but Everard was not fond of letter-writing, and on each occasion gave only the briefest account of himself. In listening, Micklethwaite assumed extraordinary positions, the result, presumably, of a need of physical exercise after hours spent over his work.

A threatened sob made her break off, but she recovered herself and offered him her hand. He walked all the way back to his hotel, and the cold, clammy night restored his equanimity. A fortnight later, sending a Christmas present, with greetings, to Mr. and Mrs. Micklethwaite, he wrote thus 'I am about to do my duty as you put it that is, to marry.

Some six weeks ago, happening, in search of a theatrical engagement, to find myself in the neighbourhood of Stonehenge, I fell in with a pedestrian whose affability of accost invited me to a closer acquaintance. He introduced himself as the Reverend Josias Micklethwaite, a student of Nature, and more particularly of the mosses and lichens of Wilts.

The next day passed without any message from the earl, but on the following morning one of the retainers from the castle came in, with the message that the earl desired the presence of Mr. Micklethwaite. Oswald went up, at once. The earl was, as before, alone. "I have been thinking, Master Forster, that it would be safer, both for you and for me, were you to tarry here for a while.

His eyes gleamed with happiness; again he enlarged upon the benevolence of mankind, and the admirable ordering of the world. From the club they drove to Bayswater, and made themselves comfortable in Barfoot's flat, which was very plainly, but sufficiently, furnished. Micklethwaite, cigar in mouth, threw his legs over the side of the easy-chair in which he was sitting.

It was of plaster 3 inches thick, and was 1 foot 7 inches below the floor of the present Cathedral. The explanation of the crypt as a confessio is due to Mr. Micklethwaite, and is ably set forth, with its consequences, in Archæol. Journ., vol. xxxix. p. 347.

The old man, who proved to be the sexton, assured us not only of this, but also that previous to the interment of the Robinsons no mushrooms had grown within a mile of the spot. Micklethwaite detect that they differed at all from the common agaricus campestris. So, sirs, concludes my tale." Mr. Fett ended amid impressive silence.

The mathematician had found a suitable house, very small and of very low rental, out at South Tottenham, and thither was transferred the furniture which had been in his bride's possession since the death of her parents; Micklethwaite bought only a few new things.

'Oh, only about seven years the actual composition. I never had much time to myself, you must remember. 'You're a good soul, Thomas. Go and equip yourself for civilized society. To the club they repaired on foot. Micklethwaite would talk of anything but that which his companion most desired to hear.