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The officers of the expedition, as they approached it were quite ready for a shot to be fired from the battlements, but there was no movement, Riel, Lepine, and O'Donoghue alone, were left of the Metis levy, and as the 60th Rifles drew near the Fort the three were seen to escape from the river gate and to flee across the bridge of boats on the Assiniboine River. Capt.

This violent resistance was but an example of the bitter and dangerous spirit that was developing among the Metis. A brave and restless man was now growing to have a dominating influence over the French half-breeds. This was Louis Riel, a fierce and noisy revolutionist, ready for any extremity.

Then in a little, "What did Monsieur say about my ears? They are like those of all the Metis girls; and I do not think that they are as pretty as Julie's." Then he replied with the lines, "Shells of rosy pink and silver are most like her dainty ears; Shells wherein the fisher maiden the sad Nereid's singing hears."

But he was not through all his career a man of peace. The most deadly feud had grown up through many long years between the Hudson Bay Company and the Metis settled upon their territory; and it is only bald justice to say that the, reprisals of the half-breeds, the revolts, the hatred of everything in official shape, were not altogether undeserved.

Donald Gunn, who was then a resident of Red River Settlement, and who has left us his views in the manuscript afterward published coming up to 1835, a most serious revolt took place among the Metis. Gunn's account is vivid and interesting. The French half-breeds were entirely dependent upon hunting, trapping or voyaging.

Some of the Government's own land agents on the spot urged them. Charles Mair of Prince Albert, one of the first of Ontario's settlers in the West, appeared at Ottawa four times before the outbreak, to try to waken the Government to the seriousness of the situation. The North-West Council sent strong memorials backing the requests of the Métis.

Mebbe shoot em. Tall Elk comes to see if Great Colonel would like to come too." "Thank you, chief; I would rather not be at the capture of Captain Stephens. You know he saved la Reina here, from being drowned in the whirlpool." The "Queen" was the name by which Annette was known among all the Indians and Metis that lived upon the plain.

The strain on brain and muscle braced without exciting him; he seemed to accept it as something to which he was used. He could be trusted in an emergency, and for some obscure reason she was glad to feel he was the man she had thought. Then she watched the other canoe, which had dropped astern. The Metis had set their sail, but she was not running well.

Take me?" and quick as thought itself he drew his pistol and snapped it once, twice, three times in the Metis face. He fairly danced with rage. "Take me?" he screamed out once again, and, running at the Metis, who had grown alarmed and backed off several paces, he ran the barrel of the pistol down his throat.

The other three cases against the Metis were not proceeded with, and Governor, Recorder, officials and spectators all left the Court room, the mob being of the impression that the prisoners had been acquitted, and that trading for furs was no longer illegal. The Metis then crossed the river to St. Boniface, and after much cheering, fired several salutes with their guns.