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Updated: August 2, 2024

This piping Marsyas seated by the tree stump, this naked Apollo, thin and hectic like an undressed archangel, standing against the Umbrian valley with its distant blue hills, its castellated village, its delicate, thinly-leaved trees things we know so well in connection with the Madonna and Saints, that this seems absent for only a few minutes all this is as little like Ovid as the triumphant antique Galatea of Raphael is like Spenser.

Their hypothesis seems to be based upon the discovery of two beautiful bas-reliefs of the age of Vespasian, which were excavated near the Rostra Vetera in the Forum. Sir Theodore Martin has a note on these bas-reliefs which I quote in extenso: "In the Forum stood a statue of Marsyas, Apollo's ill-starred rival.

He was guiding his car; he was singing among the Nine; he was drawing his bow; he was flaying Marsyas; above all the only repeated picture he was guiding the oxen of Admetus, goad in hand, with the glory yet vivid about his hair. And, if so, how came a temple of the sun-god upon this unhomely coast?

In the heat of the moment he exclaimed aloud that "those who had insulted him should one day suffer for it their fate should be the fate of Marsyas." At first the threat was not understood; but one chieftain, more learned than his fellows, explained to the rest that, according to the Greek myth, Marsyas was flayed alive.

It is for this that I sought to become a flute-player; this was to be the reward of all my toil. The skill without the glory I would not take at a gift, not though I should prove to be a Marsyas or an Olympus in disguise. What is the use of a light that is to be hidden under a bushel? Show me then, Timotheus, how I may avail myself of my powers and of my art.

And we believe the famed Marsyas was punished by Apollo for pretending, when he had nothing but his single pipe, and his muzzle to apply to his lips, to contend with the harp and song of the god.

This is the famous Penelope's web, which is used as a proverbial expression for anything which is perpetually doing but never done. The rest of Penelope's history will be told when we give an account of her husband's adventures. Artistaeus. Amphion. Linus. Thamyris. Marsyas. Melampus. Musaeus Orpheus was the son of Apollo and the muse Calliope.

As we stood by the worn Januses of the bridge and looked into the swirling water, thinking of how that Terme Apollo had lain there, the Tiber, like Marsyas, flaying one fair flank of the god; I felt Rome and its unchanging meaning grip me again, and liberate me from the frettings of my own past and present. We went in to see some people who are furnishing an apartment in Palazzo Orsini.

The Forum was at the foot of the hill, probably in the neighbourhood of the ports a Forum built and arranged in the Roman way, with its shops of bankers and money-changers placed under the circular galleries, with the traditional image of Marsyas, and a number of statues of local celebrities. Apuleius no doubt had his there.

For not even gods can be unjust with impunity, and the Fates are above us all. And I shall be avenged; for all thy sons shall suffer what I have suffered; and there is not one of them that shall escape the doom and not share the fate of Marsyas the Satyr, whom thou didst cruelly slay.

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