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The former, according to gossiping Vasari, was executed at the Convent of S. Margherita at Prato where having been smitten by the bellissima grazia ed aria of one of the novices, Lucrezia Buti, Fra Lippo painted her portrait in this picture, fell madly in love, and eloped with her: the latter exquisite painting Vasari extols as a most rare work which was held in the greatest esteem by the masters of his day.

There is a relief of graceful boys on the Rio del Palazzo side of the Doges' Palace; there is a S. George and Dragon on a building on the Rio S. Salvatore just behind the Bank of Italy; there is a doorway at 3462 Rio di S. Margherita; there is the Campo S. Maria Mater Domini with a house on the north side into whose courtyard much ancient sculpture has been built.

"I fear his adventures are much like his rheumatism." "You do not exact a reckoning from your enemies in America?" queried Margherita. "Oh, we do, but not with quite so much enthusiasm as you do," Blake answered her. "We aren't ordinarily obliged to kill people in order to protect our property, and wives don't go about threatening vengeance when their husbands meet with accidents.

In the city of Cortona, also, besides many other works scattered in many places in that city, he painted the greater part of the vaulting and of the walls of the Church of S. Margherita, where to-day is the seat of the Frati Zoccolanti.

Great hopes were also entertained by the Admiral Mutio di Costanzo, the Bernardini, Dama Margherita and Madama di Thénouris that the High Court an institution distinctively Cyprian, which had not been held since the death of Janus, but of which a session had now been proclaimed throughout the island would assemble a throng of nobles with their vassals and would prove a strong appeal to their loyalty.

Tofts, and the Trimmers Valentini, would not Margaritians, Toftians, and Valentinians be very tolerable marks of distinction? And therefore I think, there is little force in this objection against Christianity, or prospect of so great an advantage as is proposed in the abolishing of it. Her name was Francesca Margherita de l'Epine, and she was known as "the Italian woman."

God above!" she cried. She faced him, white, terror-stricken, yet splendid in her anger. She was still dazed, but horror and dismay leaped quickly into her eyes. "Margherita! You called me. You drew me to you. It was your real self that spoke I know it." "You kissed me while I slept!" He paled at the look with which she scorched him, then broke out, doggedly: "You wanted me; you drew me close.

"Dear Lady beloved Lady" Dama Margherita pleaded, and would have soothed her; but the Queen would have the story. She laid a hot, tremulous hand on that of her friend and urged her with dry, imploring eyes, as she listened to the tale of the founding of the Abbey of San Lazzaro, while for pity, the tears of Margherita were dropping fast.

But the Queen's guard, in the Queen's palace, can have but one mind to uphold her cause!" There was no other voice in all Cyprus so tender, so compelling, so magnetic, so all-convincing; the voice revealed her. "Dama Margherita de Iblin!" was echoed about the court in surprise. The news spread.

It is time you learned another language, and fortunately there is an Italian lady, a Madame Margherita Martelli, once a famous singer, resident in the village, who will instruct you in her language and also give you singing lessons. She will also, perhaps, accompany you on your daily walk." A curious light flashed suddenly into Margaret's down-drooped hazel eyes. Her daily lessons! Her daily walk!