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"What a shame! Damn that Malison!" and various other subdued exclamations were murmured about the room; for Annie was a favourite with most of the boys, and yet more because she was the General's sweetheart, as they said; but these ebullitions of popular feeling were too faint to reach her ears and comfort her isolation and exposure.

In this she was ably seconded by all her mother's family, whose protégée Miss Malison had long been, and, against his better judgment, Grahame at length consented that Miss Malison should remain in his family till she should get another situation as finishing governess. This, of course, Miss Grahame had determined should not be for some little time. Mrs.

"Pax vobiscum," he cried, in a loud, grating voice, as he saw me, and scrambled out to shore. "Et cum anima tua," I answered. "Nom de Dieu!" he said, "you have bottomed my Latin already, that is scarce so deep as the river here. My malison on them that broke the bridge!" Then he looked me over fiercely. "Burgundy or Armagnac?" he asked.

Hamilton, who, however, was certainly never aware of their extent; for before her Lilla was generally gentle and controlled. Something always occurred to call forth these bursts of passion in Lady Helen's presence, and consequently, the actual conduct of Lilla confirmed the statement of Miss Malison, as to her violence and other evil qualities. Mr.

For, although it was amazing how little of the doings at school the children were in the habit of reporting so little, indeed, that this account involved revelations of the character and proceedings of Mr Malison which appeared to many of the parents quite incredible the present occurrence so far surpassed the ordinary, and had excited the beholders so much, that they could not be quiet about it.

There was another subject on which, by the advice of Annie, Caroline carefully refrained from speaking at home, and that was Lord Alphingham, a handsome and elegant viscount, who it may be remembered had been mentioned in Annie's conversation with Miss Malison; and yet it would appear strange that such was Miss Grahame's counsel, when Mr.

Your mother's own sister nursed your infancy, and from that time forward we feared nothing. "When you were ten years old, a daughter was born to Ulrich. We grieved, but hoped for good results from measles, or physicians, or other natural enemies of infancy, but were always disappointed. She lived, she throve -Heaven's malison upon her! But it is nothing. We are safe. For, ha!ha! have we not a son?

Now when he entered the house, he saw the bales ready bound and asked what they were; whereupon his wife told him what had chanced between Ala al-Din and the sons of the merchants; and he cried, "O my son, Allah's malison on travel and stranger-hood!

"I've got a wale or two, that's all," said Alec. "Weel, I houp it'll be a lesson to ye." "To Mr Malison, you should have said, Mr Bruce. I am perfectly satisfied, for my part." His mother was surprised to hear him speak like a grown man, as well as annoyed at his behaviour to Bruce, in whose power she feared they might one day find themselves to their cost. But she said nothing.

He hasna been at the schuil this twa days." With these words Willie bolted from the shop, and set off at full speed. The latter part of his statement was perfectly true. The day after the fight, Mr Malison came to the school as usual, but with his arm in a sling. To Annie's dismay, Alec did not make his appearance.