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The difficulty is, whether an action should be allowed on such petty wrongs. De minimis non curat lex. 'The Negro cause is not yet decided. A memorial is preparing on the side of slavery. I shall send you a copy as soon as it is printed. Maclaurin is made happy by your approbation of his memorial for the black. 'Macquarry was here in the winter, and we passed an evening together.

The other third of Ulva, with the island of Staffa, belonged to Macquarry of Ormaig. Its rent, including that of Staffa, £83 12s. 2-1/2d. set up at £2178 16s. 4d. sold for no less than £3,540. The Laird of Col wished to purchase Ulva, but he thought the price too high.

See ante, Jan. 19 and May 6, 1775. See ante, p. 86. See ante, May 27, 1775. Macquarry was the chief of Ulva's Isle. 'He told us, writes Boswell, 'his family had possessed Ulva for nine hundred years; but I was distressed to hear that it was soon to be sold for payment of his debts. Boswell's Hebrides, Oct 16, 1773. See ante, March 24, 1776. Mrs.

When we landed, we were met by Sir Allan and the Ladies, accompanied by Miss Macquarry, who had passed some time with them, and now returned to Ulva with her father. We all walked together to the mansion, where we found one cottage for Sir Allan, and I think two more for the domesticks and the offices. We entered, and wanted little that palaces afford.

The master saw that we wanted a passage, and with great civility sent us his boat, which quickly conveyed us to Ulva, where we were very liberally entertained by Mr. Macquarry. To Ulva we came in the dark, and left it before noon the next day. A very exact description therefore will not be expected.

When once a discordant family has felt the pleasure of peace, they will not willingly lose it. If Mrs. Boswell would but be friends with me, we might now shut the temple of Janus. 'What came of Dr. Memis's cause ? Is the question about the negro determined ? Has Sir Allan any reasonable hopes ? What is become of poor Macquarry ? Let me know the event of all these litigations.

Of the ancestors of Macquarry, who thus lies hid in his unfrequented Island, I have found memorials in all places where they could be expected. Inquiring after the reliques of former manners, I found that in Ulva, and, I think, no where else, is continued the payment of the Mercheta Mulierum; a fine in old times due to the Laird at the marriage of a virgin.

'Macquarry was used to demand a sheep, for which he now takes a crown, by that inattention to the uncertain proportion between the value and the denomination of money, which has brought much disorder into Europe. A sheep has always the same power of supplying human wants, but a crown will bring, at one time more, at another less'. Johnson's Works, ix. 139.

Macquarry is proprietor both of Ulva and some adjacent Islands, among which is Staffa, so lately raised to renown by Mr. Banks. When the Islanders were reproached with their ignorance, or insensibility of the wonders of Staffa, they had not much to reply.

The Holmes boy was fatally shot by a rattleheaded searcher near Five-Mile Pond, and distraught parents began to take thought of their own lads missing from school. Adam MacQuarry broke his leg near the Hell Hollow schoolhouse and was sent back by friends on a borrowed bobsled.