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Updated: August 7, 2024

'Miss M'Glashan was the young lady's aunt, sir, I believe, returned George. 'Ay dummies, said the Squire. 'I shall whistle for my rent too. Here, take my horse. The Admiral, this hot afternoon, was sitting by the window with a long glass.

Naseby's face; the junction did not occur to him; his last hope was for Van Tromp's cottage; thither he bade George guide him, and thither he followed, nursing grief, anxiety, and indignation in his heart. 'Here it is, sir, said George stopping. 'What! on my own land! he cried. 'How's this? I let this place to somebody M'Whirter or M'Glashan.

They neither suffer nor enjoy intensity, but preserve a composed demeanour always. Is it surprising that their days should be long in the land? National Intelligencer. Printed and Published by W. and R. CHAMBERS, High Street, Edinburgh. Also sold by W. S. ORR, Amen Corner, London; D. N. CHAMBERS, 55 West Nile Street, Glasgow; and J. M'GLASHAN, 50 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin.

R . He told us of a lady who was so overcome by sudden terror on unexpectedly seeing him, many years after she had quitted his school, in one of the pulpits of the south, that she fainted away; and of another of his scholars, named M'Glashan, a robust, daring fellow of six feet, who, when returning to Cromarty from some of the colonies, solaced himself by the way with thoughts of the hearty drubbing with which he was to clear off all his old scores with the dominie.

I am young Mr. Naseby of Naseby House. My acquaintance with Mr. Van Tromp is really very slender; I am only afraid that Miss Van Tromp has exaggerated our intimacy in her own imagination. I know positively nothing of his private affairs, and do not care to know. I met him casually in Paris that is all. Miss M'Glashan drew along breath. 'In Paris? she said.

Sometimes Miss M'Glashan made a freezing sojourn in the parlour; and then the task seemed unaccountably more difficult; but to Esther, who was all eyes and ears, her face alight with interest, his stream of language flowed without break or stumble, and his mind was ever fertile in ingenious evasions and What an afternoon it was for Esther! 'Ah! she said at last, 'it's good to hear all this!

Miss M'Glashan, for that was the aunt's name, read a large bible in the kitchen with some of the joys of martyrdom. It was perhaps half-past three when Dick presented himself, rather scrupulously dressed, before the cottage door; he knocked, and a voice bade him enter.

Naseby's face; the junction did not occur to him; his last hope was for Van Tromp's cottage; thither he bade George guide him, and thither he followed, nursing grief, anxiety, and indignation in his heart. "Here it is, sir," said George, stopping. "What! on my own land!" he cried. "How's this? I let this place to somebody M'Whirter or M'Glashan."

"Ere his return, however," continued the gentleman, "Mr. R had quitted the parish; and, had it chanced otherwise, it is questionable whether M'Glashan, with all his strength and courage, would have gained anything in an encounter with one of the boldest and most powerful men in the country."

Sometimes Miss M'Glashan made a freezing sojourn in the parlour; and then the task seemed unaccountably more difficult; but to Esther, who was all eyes and ears, her face alight with interest, his stream of language flowed without break or stumble, and his mind was ever fertile in ingenious evasions and What an afternoon it was for Esther! "Ah!" she said at last, "it's good to hear all this!

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