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Updated: July 31, 2024

When they started, the battalion followed the road which led through Longueval, and which passed before the doctor's house. Madame Reynaud and Jean were waiting by the roadside. The child threw himself into his father's arms. "Take me, too, papa! take me, too!" Madame Reynaud wept. The doctor held them both in a long embrace, then he continued his way.

Again the little speech about the new owners of Longueval, and again the adjuration to remember them in their prayers. At six o'clock he returned home, exhausted with fatigue, but with his soul filled with joy. "I have given away all," he cried, as soon as he saw Pauline, "all! all! all!" He dined, and then went in the evening to perform the usual service for the month of Mary.

Would he find them in the great salon at Longueval the same as he had seen them in the little dining-room at the vicarage? Perhaps, instead of those two women, so perfectly simple and familiar, amusing themselves with this little improvised dinner, and who, the very first day, had treated him with so much grace and cordiality, would he find two pretty dolls-worldly, elegant, cold, and correct?

In 1846, when the Abbe' Constantin took possession of his little living, the grandfather of Jean was residing in a pleasant cottage on the road to Souvigny, between the picturesque old castles of Longueval and Lavardens. Marcel, the son of that Dr. Reynaud, was finishing his medical studies in Paris. He possessed great industry, and an elevation of sentiment and mind extremely rare.

Would he find them in the great salon at Longueval the same as he had seen them in the little dining-room at the vicarage? Perhaps, instead of those two women, so perfectly simple and familiar, amusing themselves with this little improvised dinner, and who, the very first day, had treated him with so much grace and cordiality, would he find two pretty dolls-worldly, elegant, cold, and correct?

"Hallo, Bobby!" he observed cheerfully. "That you? I didn't notice you before." Bobby Little's hot eyes turned slowly on Wagstaffe, and he exclaimed feverishly: "Hallo, Major! Cheeroh! Did we stick to Longueval all right? I've been dreaming about it a bit, and " "We did," replied Wagstaffe "thanks to 'A' Company." Bobby Little's head fell back on the pillow, and he remarked contentedly:

Then he was not in love, for love and tranquillity seldom dwell at peace in the same heart. Jean, however, saw approach, with a little anxiety and sadness, the day which would bring to Longueval the Turners, and the Nortons, and the whole force of the American colony. The day came too soon. On Friday, the 24th of June, at four o'clock, Jean arrived at the castle.

Scott!" Every morning the exercise is divided into two parts by a little interval of ten minutes. The officers gathered together and talked; Jean remained apart, alone with his recollections of the previous evening. His thoughts obstinately gathered round the vicarage of Longueval. "Yes! the more charming of the two sisters is Mrs. Scott; Miss Percival is only a child." He saw again Mrs.

Somewhere in America they have a silver mine, but a genuine mine, a real mine a mine with silver in it. Ah! we shall see what luxury will reign at Longueval! We shall all look like paupers beside them! It is said that they have 100,000 francs a day to spend." "Such are our neighbors!" cried Madame de Lavardens. "An adventuress! and that is the least of it a heretic, Monsieur l'Abbe, a Protestant!"

The posters announced that on Wednesday, May 18, 1881, at one o'clock P.M., would take place, before the Civil Tribunal of Souvigny, the sale of the domain of Longueval, divided into four lots: 1. The castle of Longueval, its dependencies, fine pieces of water, extensive offices, park of 150 hectares in extent, completely surrounded by a wall, and traversed by the little river Lizotte.

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