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He tossed the golden shell to one side and turned back to his glass work. Barney left for the pumphouse. Inside the pumphouse, Barney opened the gasoline engine tank and poked a stick down to test the fuel level. The stick came out almost dry. With another string of mutterings, he limped across the yard to the tractor shed for a gas can.

Though Mock limped all the way in, he came in exactly at the tail of the battalion. As the last company halted on the drill ground Sergeant Lund came back for him, relieving the guards. "Mock, until you've been examined," said the top, "you're not to go beyond battalion bounds." "Am I in arrest?" demanded Mock, his face set in ugly lines. "You're confined within battalion bounds.

He limped into the cabin companionway to look at the barometer. "Jumping Jehoshaphat!" he shouted, "we're going to ketch it sure! She's down to twenty-nine an' still a-dropping!" Tyke was not the only one who had noted the falling barometer. Captain Hamilton was already standing at the foot of the mainmast, shouting orders that were taken up by Ditty and Rogers and carried on to the men.

Ida, leaning on the arm of her cousin, limped appropriately to her room, whither she had her dinner sent to her, more for the purpose of gaining time to compose her nerves than for any other reason.

Goin’ to tell dad,” replied Calhoun, as he limped off, for he pretended to be lame. Calhoun found that the post was picketed much more strongly to the east than the west, for Castalian Springs lay to the west, and the Federals had no idea that an attack would come from that direction. If attacked, the Confederates would try to force the ford, or they would come from the east.

He would have liked to offer his lower berth to this senior of his, when he saw him arranging to take possession of the upper; but he did not quite know how to manage it. He noticed that as the other moved about he limped slightly, unless it were rather a weary easing of his person from one limb to the other. He stooped to pull his trunk out from under the berth, and Burnamy sprang to help him.

As she limped up the gravel walk, he watched her closely. She went to the door and rang the bell, and the valet admitted her. Del Mar was still sitting, thinking, in the library. "Mr. Del Mar?" she inquired. The voice was not exactly soft, and Del Mar eyed her suspiciously. Was this the person he expected, or a "plant?" "Yes," he answered, guardedly, "I am Mr. Del Mar. And you?"

But the sound of a sharp bark inside, as Eppie put the key in the door, modified the donkey's views, and he limped away again without bidding.

Peters, the butler, would lie in wait for us while we were dancing, to whisper as we careered past him: "Miss, the fowl is getting cold," or "Miss, the ice cream is getting warm," but he did it once too often, so Bee waltzed on his foot. Whereat he limped off and we saw no more of him.

The bleared reflection had a wonderfully calming effect, and she limped to her couch and read persistently to distract her thoughts, until the peal of the bell announced the Hilliards' arrival.