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Updated: August 4, 2024

Austin, or St. My father managed his affliction otherwise; and indeed differently from most men either ancient or modern; for he neither wept it away, as the Hebrews and the Romans or slept it off, as the Laplanders or hanged it, as the English, or drowned it, as the Germans, nor did he curse it, or damn it, or excommunicate it, or rhyme it, or lillabullero it. He got rid of it, however.

My uncle Toby perceiving that all hopes of a conference were knock'd on the head by it whistled Lillabullero. As Mrs. Bridget's finger and thumb were upon the latch, the corporal did not knock as often as perchance your honour's taylor I might have taken my example something nearer home; for I owe mine, some five and twenty pounds at least, and wonder at the man's patience

Uncle Toby whistling "Lillabullero" when muddled by his scarps and counter-scarps, and Baden-Powell whistling a scrap from Patience to prevent himself from kicking a dangerous idiot out of his presence! "He then most insolently whistled a tune." I recall those words sometimes when I am dropping off to sleep, and they wake me up to laugh.

Then, answered my father, 'Tis much at your service, Dr. Slop's hands. Dr. Slop wrapt his thumb up in the corner of his handkerchief, and with a wry face, though without any suspicion, read aloud, as follows my uncle Toby whistling Lillabullero as loud as he could all the time. Textus de Ecclesia Roffensi, per Ernulfum Episcopum. Excommunicatio.

My uncle Toby gave a nod resumed his pipe, and contenting himself with whistling Lillabullero inwardly Kysarcius, Didius, and Triptolemus went on with the discourse as follows: This determination, continued Kysarcius, how contrary soever it may seem to run to the stream of vulgar ideas, yet had reason strongly on its side; and has been put out of all manner of dispute from the famous case, known commonly by the name of the Duke of Suffolk's case.

True philosophy but there is no treating the subject whilst my uncle is whistling Lillabullero. Let us go into the house. You shall see the very place, Madam; said my uncle Toby. Mrs. Wadman blush'd look'd towards the door turn'd pale blush'd slightly again recover'd her natural colour blush'd worse than ever; which, for the sake of the unlearned reader, I translate thus 'L..d! I cannot look at it

Slop thought he might as well read it under the cover of my uncle Toby's whistling as suffer my uncle Toby to read it alone; so raising up the paper to his face, and holding it quite parallel to it, in order to hide his chagrin he read it aloud as follows my uncle Toby whistling Lillabullero, though not quite so loud as before. 'May the Father who created man, curse him.

My uncle Toby instantly withdrew his hand from off my father's knee, reclined his body gently back in his chair, raised his head till he could just see the cornice of the room, and then directing the buccinatory muscles along his cheeks, and the orbicular muscles around his lips to do their duty he whistled Lillabullero. Whilst my uncle Toby was whistling Lillabullero to my father, Dr.

It is moreover the reply valiant and therefore I reject it; for tho' it might have suited my uncle Toby's character as a soldier excellently well, and had he not accustomed himself, in such attacks, to whistle the Lillabullero, as he wanted no courage, 'tis the very answer he would have given; yet it would by no means have done for me.

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