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Updated: August 29, 2024

But here, at Manasia, "The battle towers, the donjon keep, The loophole grates, where captives weep. The flanking walls that round it sweep, In yellow lustre shone;" and we were quietly carried back to the year of our Lord 1400; for this castle and church were built by Stephan, Despot of Servia, the son of Knes Lasar.

He sprang from Comstock, and jerking Tad from Lasar, whom the lad was making heroic efforts to hold down, pulled the fallen rascal to his feet. "Get out, both of you!" he commanded, covering both his visitors with his weapon. Lasar, in struggling to his feet, reached for his revolver. "Drop it or I'll fill you full of lead!"

Of the palace of Lasar in Krushevatz, only the gateway and the ruined walls are now remaining; but the chapel, having been converted by the Turks into an arsenal, is still in perfect preservation. "It is a curious monument of the period, in a Byzantine sort of style, but not for a moment to be compared in beauty to the church of Studenitza.

Why have you put your horse to feed on another's corn, and lain down to sleep in another's tent? For this you must answer with your life." Then Yaroslav awoke, and Prince Ivan asked him his name, whence he came, and who his parents were. "I am from the kingdom of Kartaus," answered Yaroslav, "the son of Prince Lasar and the Princess Epistimia and my name is Yaroslav.

Then the princes counselled together, and went to the Tsar and said: "Our lord and sovereign, grant us your imperial favour: your Majesty has a knight, Prince Lasar, whose son Yaroslav comes to your imperial Court and plays with our children; but his sports are mischievous, for whenever he takes anyone by the head, the head falls off, and this causes us great trouble and grief.

The author here introduces a dissertation on the history, laws, and customs of the ancient monarchy; but as our own business is rather with Servia as it is, than Servia as it was, we shall pass unnoticed the glories of the house of Neman the warlike trophies of Stephan Dushan the Powerful, at whose approach the Greek Emperor trembled within the walls of Constantinople and the tragical fate of Knes Lasar, with whom Servian independence fell on the fatal plain of Kossovo, June 15, 1389.

"I'll talk with Professor Zepplin. Come, we will go over to the camp now." When Mr. Marquand and the Professor had finished their conference, Tad and Chunky leaned forward eagerly to learn the result. "Yes," nodded Mr. Marquand; "you're all going to help me find the ancient Pueblo treasure." "I'm done with you, Bob Lasar! And you, too, Comstock!" thundered Mr.

Prince Lasar and his wife, the Princess Epistimia, lived for seventy years and had no child; and they began, with tears, to sigh for one to cheer their old age, and to pray for their souls after death. At length their wish was granted, and they had a son, whom Prince Lasar named Yaroslav. The little fellow had a rosy face, blonde hair, and bright eyes.

The lad's keen ears had caught a sound which Stacy had entirely failed to hear. It was the sound of horses making their way through the bushes. There were several in the party, Tad could tell by the sounds, and having in mind the man Lasar, he thought he might perhaps learn something of advantage by remaining quietly on the top of the rock.

It has a little bazaar opening on a lawn, where the captain of Zhupa had come to meet me. After coffee, we again mounted, and proceeded to Zhupa. Here the aspect of the country changed; the verdant hills became chalky, and covered with vineyards, which, before the fall of the empire, were celebrated. To this day tradition points out a cedar and some vines, planted by Militza, the consort of Lasar.

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