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Madame de l'Estorade, to whom I spoke of the role of mediator which I wanted her to play, accepted the part very willingly. She feels confident of being able, after half an hour's conversation, to remove the painful feeling from your friend's mind, and drive away the clouds between you. While writing this long letter, I have sent for news of his condition.

This was the reason he gave for declining Monsieur Gaston's commission. What Monsieur de l'Estorade and I thought, at first, to be a mere excuse was an actual reason.

Sometimes, as now in the case of Nais de l'Estorade, these little sovereigns obtain permission to give a ball in grown-up style, so much so, that policemen are stationed about the doors, and Delisle, Nattier, and Prevost provide the toilets and the decorations.

At this moment the minister himself slipped an arm through his, and, leading him up to the group surrounding their two wives, Rastignac said to Madame de l'Estorade, "I bring you back your husband; I have just found him in criminal conversation with a member of the Zollverin, who would probably have clung to him all night if it had not been for me."

Renee has just given birth to a fine boy, whose baptism we are postponing till your return to Chantepleurs. Renee and I both earnestly hope that you may then come as far as La Crampade, and will consent to act as godmother to our firstborn. In this hope, I have had him placed on the register under the name of Armand-Louis de l'Estorade.

"I am like Lucas," he said, "I do not think this excursion absolutely necessary; but as I am not afraid of being scolded by Monsieur de l'Estorade, I shall have the honor to accompany you." We started. The weather was frightful; we had hardly gone fifty steps before we were soaked in spite of Lucas's huge umbrella, with which Monsieur Dorlange sheltered me at his own expense.

He hoarded his income for him, and guarded carefully the portion of inheritance which fell to him from the family of the late Mme. de l'Estorade, no one venturing to ridicule the old man. At last it dawned upon me that the unexpected return of this son was the cause of my own.

"If you are going to argue on the chatter of a child " "And Monsieur de l'Estorade, who already irritates you? He is beginning to-day to sacrifice him to the spirit of party; shall you silence him every time he makes some malevolent insinuation about Monsieur de Sallenauve, and denies his honor and his talent? you know the judgment people make on those who do not think as we do."

These married lovers are the Vicomte de Portenduere and his wife. There is not another such home in Paris as theirs. "It is the sweetest happiness I have ever seen," said the Comtesse de l'Estorade, speaking of them lately. Bless them, therefore, and be not envious; seek an Ursula for yourselves, a young girl brought up by three old men, and by the best of all mothers adversity.

"I, too, will make you a confession: that letter to Monsieur de Sallenauve, giving him his dismissal, I have written it; you will find it in my blotting-book. If you think it will do, send it." Quite beside himself with delight at finding his proposed successor so readily sacrificed, Monsieur de l'Estorade did not control his joy; taking his wife in his arms, he kissed her effusively.