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Updated: August 6, 2024

The general, however, turned this to his own advantage by assembling the few persons left in the city, and then and there electing a brother of the late sovereign to be ruler in his place, and when a few months later he died, he was succeeded by Ixtlilxochitl, son of Negahualpilli, who, always a friend of the Spaniards, now became their most valuable ally, and by the support of his personal authority and all his military resources, did more than any other Aztec chieftain to rivet the chains of the strangers round the necks of his own countrymen.

27. in ipetl icpal; in a translation of an ancient song, Ixtlilxochitl renders the expression in ipetl icpal in teotl, "en el trono y tribunal de Dios," Historia Chichimeca, cap. 32. Mictlan; the place of departed souls in Aztec mythology. In this stirring war-song, the poet reproaches his friends for their lukewarmness in the love of battle.

The attack had failed, but it had strengthened the position of the Spaniards; for seeing the speedy manner in which they had overcome all the defenses erected by the Mexicans, many of the cities which had hitherto stood aloof now sent in their submission, and supplied levies to assist them in their work; while Ixtlilxochitl, who had now become Lord of Tezcuco, and was a strong adherent of the Spaniards, brought up a force of fifty thousand Tezcucans, who were divided among the three armies.

The word "flower," xochitl, is often a part of the names of Mexican places and people, such as the lake of Xochimilco "In the Flower-plantation." Tlilxochitl, literally "black flower," is the Aztec name for vanilla, so that the name of that famous Mexican historian, Ixtlilxochitl, whose name sticks in the throats of readers of Prescott, means "Vanilla-face."

The Mexican historian Ixtlilxochitl says the throne of gold in the palace of Tezcuco was inlaid with turquoises and other precious stones that a human skull in front of it was crowned with an immense emerald of a pyramidal form. The great standard of the republic of Tlascala was richly ornamented with emeralds and silver-work.

Ma oc achitzinca xomotlanecuican antepilhuan huiya tlacateuhtzin Huitzilihuitl a ya cihuacoatl y Quauhxilotl huia totomihuacan Tlalnahuacatl aya zan ca xiuhtototl Ixtlilxochitl y quenman tlatzihuiz quimohmoyahuaquiuh yauh y tepeuh yehuan Dios ica ye choca Tezozomoctli ohuaya ohuaya.

His father, Ixtlilxochitl, had been deprived of his possessions and put to death by Tezozomoc, King of the Tepanecas, and until the death of the latter at an advanced age in 1427, Nezahualcoyotl could make but vain efforts to restore the power of his family.

Were I to introduce you into the obscure bowels of this temple, and were to ask you which of these bones were those of the powerful Achalchiuhtlanextin, first chief of the ancient Toltecs; of Necaxecmitl, devout worshiper of the gods; if I inquire where is the peerless beauty of the glorious empress Xiuhtzal, where the peaceable Topiltzin, last monarch of the hapless land of Tulan; if I ask you where are the sacred ashes of our first father Xolotl; those of the bounteous Nopal; those of the generous Tlotzin; or even the still warm cinders of my glorious and immortal, though unhappy and luckless father Ixtlilxochitl; if I continued thus questioning about all our august ancestors, what would you reply?

I did not feel much inclined for study, but I picked up the Clayville Dime and lazily glanced at that periodical, while Moore relapsed into the pages of Ixtlilxochitl. Sometimes I glanced at the newspaper; sometimes I looked out at the pleasant Southern garden, where the fountain flashed and fell among weeping willows, and laurels, orange-trees, and myrtles. "Hullo!"

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