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Harold, Lara, Manfred, and a crowd of other characters, were universally considered merely as loose incognitos of Byron; and there is every reason to believe that he meant them to be so considered.

But it were needless to detail our various interviews, or relate in what manifold ways, the royal strangers gave token of their interest concerning us. Upon the third day, however, there was noticed a mysterious figure, like the inscrutable incognitos sometimes encountered, crossing the tower-shadowed Plaza of Assignations at Lima.

The contact of one man with another is too near and constant to favor deceit. You wear your character as loosely as your flowing trowsers. Vain all endeavors to assume qualities not yours; or to conceal those you possess. Incognitos, however desirable, are out of the question. And thus aboard of all ships in which I have sailed, I have invariably been known by a sort of thawing-room title.

I cannot, however, conceive a greater mark of the contrast between their characters than the different motives and manners of the incognitos severally assumed. Philip, in a scene of low riot and debauch, hiding the Jupiter under the Silenus, wearing the mask only for the licentiousness it veiled, and foregoing the prerogative of power, solely for indulgence in the grossest immunities of vice.

But after the cause aforesaid was decided, the Lord Durie was carried back by incognitos, and dropt in the same place where he had been taken up." With the early part of the seventeenth century, moss-trooping in the Border country had not yet come to an end.

"Kings Port just knows all about you," she repeated with a sweet and mocking laugh. "Do you mind telling me how?" She explained at once. "This place is death to all incognitos." The explanation, however, did not, on the instant, enlighten me. "This? The Woman's Exchange, you mean?" "Why, to be sure! Have you not heard ladies talking together here?" I blankly repealed her words. "Ladies talking?"

My uncle and myself then consulted on the expediency of using broken English with these two old men, of which, at first, we saw no necessity; but when we remembered that others might join us, and that our communications with the two might be frequent for the next few days, we changed our minds, and determined rigidly to observe our incognitos.

Well do I know thy fame as the Knight of the Holy Sepulchre; but our vow accomplished, we may lay aside our incognitos and assume our names once more." "We may indeed, and I will utter the name of one long since numbered with the dead in the records of men, and re-assume it upon this sacred mount." Etienne gazed intently upon the open face, but no look of recognition followed.

But all is now lost; I know not who he was; and this estimable author must needs share the oblivious fate of all literary incognitos. He must have possessed the grandest and most elevated ideas of true fame, since he scorned to be perpetuated by a solitary initial.

I cannot, however, conceive a greater mark of the contrast between their characters than the different motives and manners of the incognitos severally assumed. Philip, in a scene of low riot and debauch, hiding the Jupiter under the Silenus, wearing the mask only for the licentiousness it veiled, and foregoing the prerogative of power, solely for indulgence in the grossest immunities of vice.