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It arises from the principles of self preservation in the human frame; but is a corruption, or at least a partial result, of those principles, and is upon many accounts very improperly termed self-love. Love is an affection which carries the attention of the mind beyond itself, and is the sense of a relation to some fellow creature as to its object.

In the task of the sand shoveler, or the iron lifter, for instance, it was proved that by scientifically undertaking such work, fifty selected men, properly drilled, scientifically rested, intelligently manoeuvred, could accomplish a third more than one hundred ill selected and improperly managed men, in less time and under a larger salary.

If somebody puts a derrick improperly secured on top of a building or overtopping the street, then the government of the city has the right to see that that derrick is so secured that you and I can walk under it and not be afraid that the heavens are going to fall on us.

The case we set up was that the wife had been improperly influenced by her husband in making it, and that her mind was coerced into doing what she did not intend to do, and so we sought to set aside the will on that ground. Edwin James had proved a very strong case on behalf of the validity of the will.

The early gasoline automobiles sounded, when moving, like an artillery company coming full tilt down a badly paved street. The exhausted gas coughed resoundingly, the gears groaned and shrieked loudly when improperly lubricated, and the whole machine rattled like a runaway tin-peddler.

He addressed that Brahmana, whose name was Satya, in articulate speech and said unto him these words, "Thou wouldst be acting very improperly, if this sacrifice of thine were accomplished in such a manner as to be defective in mantras and other particulars of ritual. I, therefore, ask thee to slay and cut me in pieces for making libations therewith on thy sacrificial fire.

These savage saurians are called indiscriminately, though improperly, alligators, crocodiles, and caymans. The real alligator is distinguished by having its toes only partly webbed the outer ones being free. It will never willingly seek an encounter, and shows great terror, even, when attacked by dogs.

Availing myself of the privilege I have already frequently taken of making abrupt transitions from one subject to another, according as the recollection of past circumstances occurs to my mind, I shall here note down a few details, which may not improperly be called domestic, and afterwards describe a conspiracy which was protected by the very man against whom it was hatched.

"Have I ever used it improperly to your knowledge?" she asked. I dodged the question. "You admit the power, then?" "I admit nothing, except that I do not like to be called a coquette." I saw she was in earnest here; there was almost a choke in her voice. "But I would not have you otherwise," I objected. She shook her bead. "You say that only because you think you hurt me."

Moreover, it is a very grave impropriety for Government employees to band themselves together for the purpose of extorting improperly high salaries from the Government. Especially is this true of those within the classified service. The letter carriers, both municipal and rural, are as a whole an excellent body of public servants. They should be amply paid.