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It exists, of course, but it rarely falls in the way of the usually impecunious art student. Yet it happened that, as luck was not against the young man, he found it when he had abandoned the search for it. McLane's theory was that art had become too sombre. The world was running overmuch after the subdued in color.

She also hinted that in order to obtain all you wanted at the Conservatorium, to be favoured above your fellows, it was only necessary flagrantly to bribe one of the clerks, Kleefeld by name, who was open to receive anything, being wretchedly impecunious and the father of a large family.

In another instance the debt of a penny seems to have been the beginning of a hatred between two impecunious creatures, and this brought on a charge. The most common type of case, of course, was that where strange disease or death played a part. In Yorkshire, in Hertfordshire, and in Cornwall there were trials based upon a sort of evidence with which the reader is already quite familiar.

But it would have to be done directly before a word was heard about it. I should like to live with the check by me." He spoke very simply, as another man might speak of being ready to meet an improvement-rate or an application from an impecunious brother. "Don't you think it would be a good precaution?" he asked.

Then he went quietly back to his work. From my knowledge of the worthless and impecunious character of the debtor, I am of opinion that Fink never received a cent in the way of reimbursement. In personal appearance he was short and stout. His age, when I first knew him, must have been somewhere in the neighbourhood of thirty-five.

Cuthbert was no longer the impecunious son of Nicholas Trevlyn, dependent upon his own wit and energy for the place he might hold in the world. He was the finder of that vast hoard of lost treasure, which had proved so far more valuable than the most sanguine hopes had pictured. By every rule of right and justice a large share of this treasure should come to him.

In a former chapter I said something of the secular magnificence which surrounded great prelates in the good old days, when the Archbishop of Canterbury could only be approached on gilt-edged paper, and even the Bishop of impecunious Oxford never appeared in his Cathedral city without four horses and two powdered footmen.

Misha's signature to his letters was always accompanied by peculiar strokes, flourishes, and stops, and he made great use of marks of exclamation. And, though a certain benevolent aunt had entered into his impecunious position, and had sent him an inconsiderable sum, still he begged me to assist him in getting his equipment. I did what he asked, and for two years I heard nothing more of him.

Meanwhile, as day after day passed, the President's message was withheld, and all legislation was at a dead-lock. The Sergeant- at-Arms, Colonel Glossbrenner, an ex-member of the House, obtained a loan of twenty thousand dollars from a bank in Pennsylvania, which enabled him to make advances to impecunious members of both parties, and thus to insure his re-election.

"Well, it's rather delicate, but would you mind telling me just how much you were stuck up for by the er was it a writ of attachment?" "It was," said the star. "A writ of inquisition, you might as well substitute. The act of a polluted, impecunious, parsimonious, what shall I say? Well, I will be as simple as possible: hotel keeper. In other words, a damnation blighter, sir.