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But the archbishop, as well as the clergy at large, were as yet Huss's admirers; and the king was informed, that as John, in rebuking vice without regard to persons, did not go beyond the spirit of his ordination vow, so there was no power in man to restrain him. By-and-by, however, Huss adventured into a new field, and the vices of the priesthood were dragged to light.

The more moderate section of the reformers, the so-called Horebites, from Mount Horeb, another place of assemblage, entered the city, led by Hussinez, Huss's former lord, and laid siege to the royal fortress, the Wisherad.

His heart breaks, he goes away to die in the woods, far from the cruel world for he says, bitterly, "What is man, without manure?" Paul Hoch comes to old Huss and says, "I am at last as rich as you required come and view the pile." Old Huss views it and says, "It is sufficient take her and be happy," meaning Gretchen. Wedding party assembled in old Huss's drawing-room.

Many of the judges were Huss's bitter personal enemies, for as he had assailed the measureless corruptions of their order, that was an unpardonable sin. Besides, history is careful to tell that bribery was largely employed to make sure of his destruction and now the last act of the dark tragedy has arrived. No further defence was permitted to Huss, yet he uttered one solemn appeal.

Palsgrave Louis, seeing Huss's mantle on the arm of one of the executioners, ordered it thrown into the flames lest it should be reverenced as a relic, and promised the man to compensate him.

Nicolas of Hussinez, Huss's former lord, and Ziska's seconder in this outbreak, was banished from the city by the king. He went, but took forty thousand men with him, who assembled on a mountain which was afterwards known by the biblical name of Mount Tabor. Here several hundred tables were spread for the celebration of the Lord's Supper, July 22, 1419.

The day that heard Huss's sentence pronounced in the white-walled Cathedral of Constance, Edward Duke of York accompanied by a little group of knights and squires, one of whom was Hugh Calverley walked his oppressed horse across the draw-bridge at Cardiff. Life had agreed so well with York that he had become very fat upon it.

The sufficient proof if you need proof at all of this is that Huss suffered as a Christian martyr and through painful suffering brought his cause to glory; whereas his judges killed him in the hope through a crime to promote the Christian cause, and so covered their names with shame. The truth and glory of Jan Huss's cause were manifested last year throughout the whole of the globe.

Hoch placid and content, Gretchen weeping over her hard fate. Enter old Huss's head bookkeeper. Huss says fiercely, "I gave you three weeks to find out why your books don't balance, and to prove that you are not a defaulter; the time is up find me the missing property or you go to prison as a thief." "Where?" Gretchen: "Saved!"

But the university, as it had early adopted Huss's opinions, so it continued steadily, yet mildly, to maintain them. Throughout the wars that marked the commencement of this strife of opinion, the Carolinum was ever present to assuage the rancour of parties. It withstood absolute popery on the one hand, and absolute fanaticism on the other.